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Your longest fight


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Some of the arena fights are downright brutal, especially with a stealth-based character (and Supreme Magicka preventing you from using invisibility in the arena). The most memorably long one for me would definitely be the fight against the Argonian prisoners - the fight literally lasted 3 hours in real time until I finally got a CTD (had managed to get 2 of them down). After that, I decided to just open console-click enemy-type 'kill'-repeat. I had spent most of the fight running in circles and healing/buffing myself repeatedly while launching the occasional fireball when my magic bar permitted. I left the arena for a few levels after this fight, and when I came back I cut through the rest like tissue with my new spiffy enchanted sword, heh.
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I once was testing a script I created myself, which sets an actor's Health to 1 when he's not detecting you and 100 when he sees you. This results in (in my opinion) better stealth kills, althought it's a bit cheating.

But I never liked it how I would spend three hours sneaking upon an NPC, grabbing my dagger, and placing it in his unprotected neck, and his health bar decreasing only half, and he woops my ass.

Back on topic, I made a fault, which sets his Health to 100 each frame, and so I was fighting five immortal guards for a full five minutes in full leather and with a steel shortsword without noticing my fault.

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  • 6 months later...

The Gatekeeper, first playthrough. Took 10 minutes on a low level character. A single troll at about level 6 took about as long.


My first genuine attempt at Umbra, who is always high leveled in OOO, was quite fast as Mehrunes Razor has a chance to instant kill her. Though if I attack her and draw her to the IC it takes about 5 minutes for the guards to cut her up.

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There was one mod that had three women wearing armor with insane stats and immunity to most forms of damage. I killed two but the third one just wouldn't die. I broke four enchanted daedric swords before I just reloaded and used 100% camouflage and backstab to finish it. I must have struck her more than ten times with x6 damage before she died.
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  • 4 weeks later...

Ancient Lord Volmyr from Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul took me several hours to beat at level 27.


He has an almost constant chameleon effect, ability to silence, paralyze and drain attributes, not to mention a massive HP/Magic/Fatigue pool, and the ability to summon Gloom Wraiths.

Edited by Lazuri
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