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On 11/29/2023 at 5:36 PM, Zanderat said:

Re: clubs.  Subforums keep things, organized.  Not sure why the existing sub forums weren't retained.


So hang on, so decade old posts that tell somebody how to properly use a decade old mod for a decade old game like Oblivion are going away?
Some of those posts were invaluable, and were the only posts in existence that could help someone use particular mods etc.

Same thing happened a few years ago with Oblivion Reloaded when the mod author closed down the comment section of his "Reloaded" mods, ALL the established troubleshooting posts, and how to properly use the mod and find the INI files to edit etc, all disappeared with the press of a button.

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On 12/2/2023 at 1:27 PM, showler said:

I'm actually really disappointed with the Nexus Staff on this.   Multiple times in the past they've made a necessary business decision (totally understandable, no problem with this) only to have things turn into a circus because of their poor communication regarding what decisions had been made, why and how things were going to progress.  Multiple times they've admitted to the poor communication and promised to examine their processes and "do better next time".  But this is yet another "next time" and they still aren't doing better.  They've promised a news article detailing changes and future plans, but we're almost two weeks since the forums went live again and the article still isn't here.  That article should have been ready the day the forums came back, even if it needed to be further updated as things changed.

A forum thread that is supposed to be about feedback on the new forums shouldn't be full of people saying "what's happening?  What's this? Where's that? Why's this so weird? Why does this even exist? Why doesn't that exist?" without some place to point them for answers.

Having gone through a 4.x upgrade a few years ago that COMPLETELY broke my forums, I can say that the reason we're not getting a synopsis of all the changes is because the Nexus folks don't know. Seriously, IPS DOESN'T tell you. They like to make grand announcements about all the "cool" changes (changes they think are cool, but we probably won't like), but you don't get a complete list.

We had tested the new forums and everything seemed fine so we went ahead and did the upgrade. A little while later I had to ban a spammer. It banned every single member in the community!!!! It turned out that IPS had removed a layer from the permissions table. You used to be able to define a group that had elevated privileges in one single sub-forum and we had a silly forum where people could edit other peoples' posts. After the upgrade, all moderators, or members with elevated privileges, became global moderators, so when I needed to ban one member, it banned them all. I was furious. IPS called me an idiot.

My point is that the Nexus guys are still figuring out exactly what has changed. IPS used to leave the old tables and columns around, so even if a feature was removed, someone could release a mod to add the functionality back. They no longer do that. They drop the tables and delete the columns, so even if you wanted to, you can't restore old features.

Clubs are weird. I've never implemented them. They seem to be separate entities with their own features. Perhaps that's how IPS re-implemented the local moderators that I was using. Clubs didn't exist when I upgraded my forums, so I had to get rid of the silly sub-forum and fix all the permissions.

We still have friends on the mod side of the site. I have no idea if they can tie that into the forums.

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I don't expect them to know everything.  I expect them to tell us what they do know in a timely manner.  Not three weeks after taking down the forum and two weeks after bringing them back.

They can add information as they learn it.  But if they are planning out their actions ahead of time then they should have some info they can give us immediately.

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1 hour ago, HadToRegister said:


So hang on, so decade old posts that tell somebody how to properly use a decade old mod for a decade old game like Oblivion are going away?
Some of those posts were invaluable, and were the only posts in existence that could help someone use particular mods etc.

Same thing happened a few years ago with Oblivion Reloaded when the mod author closed down the comment section of his "Reloaded" mods, ALL the established troubleshooting posts, and how to properly use the mod and find the INI files to edit etc, all disappeared with the press of a button.

The  Oblivion comments are being migrated into the new forums (communities? clubs?).  I visited the old Oblivion forums a bit ago, and there are several thousand pages of comments in the process of migration.  There's no problem in reading the individual comments.  However, there is no search capability.

Here's the Oblivion Mod Troubleshooting forum: https://forums.nexusmods.com/forum/180-oblivion-mod-troubleshooting/

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10 minutes ago, AugustaCalidia said:

The  Oblivion comments are being migrated into the new forums (communities? clubs?).  I visited the old Oblivion forums a bit ago, and there are several thousand pages of comments in the process of migration.  There's no problem in reading the individual comments.  However, there is no search capability.

Here's the Oblivion Mod Troubleshooting forum: https://forums.nexusmods.com/forum/180-oblivion-mod-troubleshooting/

OK that's good news, and a couple of pages back I believe one of the Moderators said that they are working on adding the search capability, so it looks like things will eventually even out.

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In the new list of games whose forums will be under the Club forum format and are migrating, Skyrim is only listed once...  Skyrim, and Skyrim Special Edition are separate on the mods side.  I am not sure how separate they were before on the forums side, but the comments under a given mod that existed for both versions, but with changes, were definitely separate before.  Are the two 'games' going to be separate sub-categories under the Club, or will there actually be separate clubs for them?

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They're already separate.  I'm on my phone right now, but there's a drop down list under the community header that lets you select SE, LE, or VR.  Although for some reason "mod ideas" seems to be top level and not under each game version.

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3 hours ago, Eolhin said:

In the new list of games whose forums will be under the Club forum format and are migrating, Skyrim is only listed once...  Skyrim, and Skyrim Special Edition are separate on the mods side.  I am not sure how separate they were before on the forums side, but the comments under a given mod that existed for both versions, but with changes, were definitely separate before.  Are the two 'games' going to be separate sub-categories under the Club, or will there actually be separate clubs for them?

Oh god, I hope so, we went through that waaaaaaay back in the day when Morrowind and Oblivion Mods got tossed into one section.
Whenever I run across a rogue Morrowind or Oblivion mod in the wrong section, I make sure to report it so it can be moved to the correct section

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I take it the light mode is no longer an option? This current format is not jiving well for me (I'm autistic), and is actively making it harder for me to read things.

Also I updated my profile, and saved it, but the about me section on my profile on the mod side of things is showing absolutely nothing now. Did something break?

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