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How can this happen... My Mod first stage (10) player goes to Riverwood, finds NPC, approaches , NPC ForceGreets player, does her lines , quest advances to next stage, Journal is displayed and updated. Player goes to second stage (20).... blah blah blah.

This happens when I start with Save game 55


If I start with Save game 57

My Mod first stage (10) player goes to Riverwood, finds NPC, approaches , NPC ForceGreets player, DOES NOT do her lines / NO dialog is shown ,then, quest advances to next stage, Journal is displayed and updated. Player goes to second stage (20).... blah blah blah.


On save 55 this is before I start the go to the first stage (quest starts on start-up)..


On save 57 this is before I start the first stage.... I had made this save by starting with save 55 save again (56) quit, unchecked the mod (disabled), started the game, made another save 57, quit, enabled the mod, started the game..


Did something not get loaded? I can go back to saved game 55 and stage 10 works fine.


I'll work off of save game 55 but I would like to know WTF?




One other thing if someone could tell me how to get my Quest aliases to be recognized or updated




See in the bottom left

REF 'VollackBook' -> NONE

REF 'Diana' -> None

and so on

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On Ward..


I still have this issue

One other thing if someone could tell me how to get my Quest aliases to be recognized or updated




See in the bottom left

REF 'VollackBook' -> NONE

REF 'Diana' -> None

and so on


Now as my the player progresses through the mod, the player interacts with my NPC for a moment (they give him bits of dialog) and player moves on. How do I get rid of these NPC?

Let's say player goes to Riverwood speaks to a NPC Mary, she tells him go to Nightgate inn and speak with Bob the builder... Player leaves to go to Nightgate Inn, Mary is still standing in the rain at Riverwood.

I had plan to do something like once player reached Nightgate Inn SetStage to 40 and then say if stage is 40 Disable Mary. But doing this in the Quest script does not work.



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Ok figured that out with some help.


what command or script do I use to have an NPC through dialog turn enemy or hostile to Player. Faction ? if so how


So I will have the play approach a bandit NPC that will have dialog with Player first, but then will turn hostile. Something like:


Player: Hey you

NPC: what are you doing here?

Player: where is so and so?

NPC: get out of here before I hurt you

Player: Do you even workout bro?

NPC: ( turns hostile )

I would like to do this is dialog fragment script.

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Back again,


SO I have my NPC, she spawns in, she has a ForceGreet Package that works.


The issue is I can't keep her in the cage, where she spawns!


I have metal cage with door, door is locked, needs key. But Stage 30, she spawns, and minutes later, once player get to Manor house, fights Thalmor, and goes searching down in basement for her....

Some how she gets out every time player gets to her she is out of the cage.


I have moved her spawn point to a different room (in the Manor), and she spawns there and is still there once player get to her.


It's like CK does not want NPC spawning in a cage. I don't have interesting NPC loaded in this test system but I seem to remember ......


(just looked her up) She spawns in a cage. Maybe I'll have to load that mod in and find out what they do. Or maybe somebody here knows.

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My suggestion was going to be to look up how it was done with Zora cause I have no idea...

yea I thought that would be the best (hoping someone would tell me ... me = lazy)


So in the xMarkerHeading they use, they had Location Ref type = CaptiveMarker

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