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Big changes for the Nexus Mod Manager and the introduction of Tannin42, our new head of NMM development


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In response to post #43210170. #43211035, #43211650 are all replies on the same post.

moho25 wrote: Just had to check if it was April 1st.

Wow. This is... surprising.

I'm a pretty diehard MO fan. It does have a significantly steeper learning curve than NMM, yes, but is a much more powerful tool. It's a flat out amazing tool, actually, despite the somewhat dated GUI.

Which is why I fall into the "concerned" camp. People used MO precisely b/c they didn't want to use NMM. B/c they wanted (possibly even needed) the additional features and level of control that MO provided. So, the big concern, of course, is: will those features be retained? Or, in the goal to try to please/appeal to everyone -- advanced and novice users -- will the new tool end up with too many compromises? Ultimately, the question is this: Do the goals Nexus has for NMM redux align with what MO users expect (and were expecting) from MO?

Well... I guess we'll find out.
Tannin42 wrote: One goal for the new NMM is to be very extensible so the goals we have don't necessarily have to 100% align with the expectations of every single user.
There just has to be a developer somewhere willing to implement the adjustments.
Tastou wrote: A moddable mod tool?

Will Nexus be bundling a certain amount of extensions with the tool (that are optional) that retain all the features in MO that NMM lacks (last time I checked, anyway)?

Also, will it retain MO's virtual file system rather than modifying the Data directory, physically?
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Sad to see MO no longer getting support. I use it for FO4.


Hopefully when you work on NMM you can set it up so it wont destroy already installed mods when you upgrade to the new version of NMM. I have over 500 customized mods in Skyrim that the current NMM upgrade process would break. So i haven't used NMM in a long time.

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My only major concern is whether it will still use a virtual data folder.. I much prefer MO over NMM for 2 simple reasons:


• I can rearrange overwrites anytime I want without having to reinstall any mods

• I like keeping the data folder clean and pristine :P

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In response to post #43210170. #43211035, #43211650, #43211690 are all replies on the same post.

moho25 wrote: Just had to check if it was April 1st.

Wow. This is... surprising.

I'm a pretty diehard MO fan. It does have a significantly steeper learning curve than NMM, yes, but is a much more powerful tool. It's a flat out amazing tool, actually, despite the somewhat dated GUI.

Which is why I fall into the "concerned" camp. People used MO precisely b/c they didn't want to use NMM. B/c they wanted (possibly even needed) the additional features and level of control that MO provided. So, the big concern, of course, is: will those features be retained? Or, in the goal to try to please/appeal to everyone -- advanced and novice users -- will the new tool end up with too many compromises? Ultimately, the question is this: Do the goals Nexus has for NMM redux align with what MO users expect (and were expecting) from MO?

Well... I guess we'll find out.
Tannin42 wrote: One goal for the new NMM is to be very extensible so the goals we have don't necessarily have to 100% align with the expectations of every single user.
There just has to be a developer somewhere willing to implement the adjustments.
Tastou wrote: A moddable mod tool?
(Thanks for MO, while I'm here. It's almost perfect for me)
moho25 wrote: Will Nexus be bundling a certain amount of extensions with the tool (that are optional) that retain all the features in MO that NMM lacks (last time I checked, anyway)?

Also, will it retain MO's virtual file system rather than modifying the Data directory, physically?

I know you probably thought of this but here's a suggestion about the transitions between the two. Have an option to switch between the two types of installations. A more simple version like NMM or the more complex of MO but still have the functionality of both. Just a thought. Although now I think about this it might just be a GUI cosmetic type thing that might make a NMM or MO user feel better.
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In response to post #43209810. #43210050, #43211665 are all replies on the same post.

christoph392008 wrote: Stunning. Explains a lot on the MO end tho. Being saddled with NMM (lacking a stable MO for FO4) hasn't always been a pleasure.

Excited to see what happens!
Tannin42 wrote: Please don't draw the wrong conclusion here: MO2 progress was very slow long before I was offered this position. My previous job was quite tiring and made it hard for me to invest time into MO.
This slow progress on MO was a reason for me to accept the offer, it wasn't the other way around.

Of course there was some progress on MO and now there is none but I'm not sure if I would have had a stable MO2 anytime soon even if I had continued.
christoph392008 wrote: Totally understandable and thanks for the response.

I'm very happy you are getting a paying gig for MM development. Its excellent news!

As a long time and very happy user of MO I have mixed feeling about this.
On one hand I'm happy about you and about your work being recognized. I also plause to Dark0ne wise decision. It's not easy to swallow one's pride and acknowledge somebody else has made a better job.

But I fear (and I'm sure others share the same feeling) that you can't have both world. Both a easy to use NMM and a more complete (yet still rather easy) MO.
Anyway, the border has been crossed. We'll wait and see...
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Referring to this article you made a decision that looks as it hasn't been inevitable anyway.

More "supported" games would be great anyway.

Good luck for the expanded NMM team in creating a mod manager that suits less skilled/less advanced users (like me) as well as skilled/advanced users and in implementing/retaining the features NMM- and MO-users have liked and have been used to - as far as possible :thumbsup:


Edited by zcul
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This is fantastic news, Mod Organizer is amazingly well-done, especially considering that it was a side project. Very happy that Tannin is now full-time on such development, bolstering the Nexus team... NMM is good software, but there is way more potential in this platform.


Looking forward to the fruits of this endeavour.

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