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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. I'm not really sure when the standard changed to have buttons that way around. You can see the forum still uses the "confirm on the left" pattern. You're not wrong, but I do remember a time where that layout was standard. At one time there were a lot fewer people doing things their own "right" way ... maybe it's time for some documented standards that the devs can refer to.
  2. The Load Order column is currently collapsed and not visible (will show the complete mod index number such as 2E) ... you need to click on the line just to the right if that up arrow in the column headers and drag to the right to see the full contents of that column. The proper way to post a load order from Wrye Bash is right mouse click in the column headers beside the word File, make sure your Sort by is set to Load Order (radio button indicates this) and then left click on Load Order in the right click context menu. Highlight and copy all of the text in the pop up Active Mod Files dialogue box (including the spoiler tags) and then paste that into your post here.
  3. +1 ... Urrl are the bags under the eyes a custom normal map?
  4. LOL ... "Hit it!" - Edit - Yer two fer two Paga!
  5. :l ....... sigh ........ oh ... thank ye >_< They say that experience is the best teacher ... wonder how I learned that little detail about spell making?? Been there, done that ... got the T-shirt.
  6. It may sound rather odd to most perhaps, but for me the people who don't like who offer me the most value. When I look in the mirror I don't see a true representation of me but a reflection ... it's even flipped left for right. My brain makes the adjustment and most of the time I wouldn't even be aware of the adjustment. That's the problem of trusting me to see the "real me". Everything I see about myself and my actions is filtered through my brain, and it has been programmed via millennia to show me what is best for my survival ... not necessarily the truth. Those same millennia have given me another tool ... the eyes of those around me. They are uniquely situated to give me a view that is not my own, but they come with that same handicap ... those eyes are also attached to a brain, and brains do more than "make adjustments". Brains have agendas, as you allude to with your "guilt by association". So why do non-friends offer more value? To use my mirror analogy, friends offer that "other viewpoint" of me, but they do it by holding up their mirror and letting me look. I don't see anything that is fundamentally different than what I see in my own mirror. Friends are supportive, they're not looking to make me feel uncomfortable about myself even when they can see something I cannot. Non-friends (even enemies) aren't constrained by the same relationship considerations ... they hold a mirror up behind my back and show me things I can't see any other way. Granted they aren't doing so for my personal benefit ... those agendas are always present, so the view they offer needs to be studied and analyzed. With a little effort on my part there is much to be learned from those who don't like me, and it is often information that is available from no other source (well maybe no other source that doesn't require couch time and a substantial outlay of cash ... I'm an old guy and a skinflint).
  7. What is your skill level in Mysticism? The lowest level Soul Trap spell requires Apprentice (level 25 or greater).
  8. To some folks I'm always in an "altered state". I don't mind their misconception. A while back I made a post. I didn't have any regrets about that post then or now. What has bothered me though is that after I made the first post I made a second one. That has stuck in my craw. For a few days afterward I monitored your site activity and saw that you hadn't been active at all, so I'm not one who has any need at all in having the last word and the situation finally slipped from mind. As an FYI, if you want to see what I'm up to at any particular point in time just hover your mouse over my user name in any post I've made. A pop up window will open and it will show some basic details about my account, including what I'm currently looking at (and if you click that link you can dig right into whatever I'm doing). You popped back onto my radar today, and so I've been pondering ... do I or don't I? Do I won. Though it may not be obvious to all, I do live by my moral compass. I'm not saying that my moral compass aligns with anybody else's, or that anybody else's moral compass should align with mine. That's not how humanity works. When I find myself off course from the setting of my compass it's up to me to correct the course, and that's what this is about. It was wrong for me to post in the Skyrim Mod Request forum with the link back to this thread, and if I could I would undo that post (in fact I just found the post in question with the intent of editing that post to remove the link but it has been locked by Pickysaurus). Something I've learned over the years is that it's from people who don't really like me that I get the best insights. Thank you for the course correction Danny. - Edit - Edited for my usual, spelling and puncuation corrections, not to mention rewording so what I say makes sense to people who don't have access to what I meant to say.
  9. Chill pills Should be enough there for everybody, if not let me know and I'll see what I can dig up (and you don't have to worry about leaving one for me ... I've had mine already). - Edit - Sorry I didn't notice that a couple of Happy pills got mixed in ... what's wrong with Quality Control these days anyway?
  10. We are no longer children ... and yet no sooner do I type that and I know that when the child within me gets a chance to be the boss is when I have the most fun! Hmm, so which is it to be ... child or not child. Tough choices are the ones with no right answer. A question ... would it be possible to feel happiness if you've never felt sadness? Another one ... how many people would line up for a peek out of the sadness window? Oddly enough if they never got a chance in the sadness line the happiness line would have nothing in it they would recognise. We humans are a paradoxical lot.
  11. Immediately above your post at the moment ... Reporting Download Problems.
  12. So when will Skyrim players be able to download your NPC fully voiced? "You should ..." is always much more effective when it follows "I have ...".
  13. Watch out with bigger screens for monitor when you sit close by. I have a second TV of 42" (105cm) and while only five inch/12cm larger than the one I currently use, I get motion sickness while gaming with the larger TV because I sit only a foot or two away. Played with a VR headset at work the other day.... That was fun, but, I was disoriented for the rest of the day. :smile: LOL ... disoriented or perhaps more disoriented. You were after all at work. I would find that very disorienting if I had to subject myself to such things again. Good to see you again JimmyR!
  14. BOSS for load order (though some will prefer LOOT) and MessageLogger. - Edit - EngineBugFixes has some that are specific for problems that occur in the wilderness (outlined in it's readme).
  15. No I saw that you were looking at an old thread about how to transfer the player's face to an NPC (or perhaps it was the other way around). I ask because one of the suggested methods was to use Wrye Bash, and that happens to be how I get my characters face from an NPC I have created.
  16. Thanks ... I have a new addition to my DrakesTips text file!! Did you find what you needed for the transfering the players face stuff I saw you looking for earlier?
  17. Investigation - Supporters Cannot Purchase 1 Month Premium
  18. You wouldn't happen to have a link to that post ... my search-foo hasn't turned it up yet.
  19. If the mod you are talking about is Gizmodian Amazon Priestess for BAB I'm not sure it's actually HGEC compatible. When I look at it in NifSkope the UV wrap doesn't say it is anyways. You'll need to wait for DrakeTheDragon to see this thread ... it's above my paygrade. If that isn't the source mod you'll need to actually post a working link to the mod, otherwise we're just spinning our wheels trying to fix the wrong mod.
  20. You do realise that crashes have always been a "feature" of the game (as is the case with most Bethesda games). Without the game source code only so much can be fixed. The freeze you describe isn't as common as the usual CTD but it's not unheard of.
  21. I would guess missing elements like toenail related stuff. Without a link to the source files/mod I'm just guessing though.
  22. So was the fix just correct the absolute texture path? If so you should report the problem to the mod author.
  23. Looks to me like you have installed a mod at some point that replaces some plant meshes, and those plant meshes aren't pointing to a textures that the game can find (absolute texture paths are a common fault). Deactivating an ESP doesn't troubleshoot the problem because the meshes with the texture problem just work as a simple replacer and the game will try to display them even without an ESP.
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