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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. Are they "leftovers" from whatever was there before? I saw that kind of thing when I had my UGridsToLoad set too high as well. (I had it at 9, at 7 it seems fine.)
  2. Clean Snap'n Build. Homemaker. Evan Modular Kitchen. Ground. (for smoothing terrain.) Snappy Housekit. SSex (settlement supplies expanded) Warehouse extended. (and the clean variant.) I also use Build high, with expanded settlements, and scrap everything, along with a few other minor mods. (colored conduits, etc.)
  3. Don't expect to see anything official. Beth is just milking the creation club minor tweaks now. They won't be doing any more serious content. Check the mods here under the category 'quest mods', and you will find some REALLY good stuff though.
  4. Contact Beth support, they should be able to fix you up. :D
  5. There are a couple guys on the beth forums that are generally willing to do ports, if you already have permission. Given that the author has already expressed those permissions, that's half the battle. :D
  6. Grenades are not long range weapons. :D Unfortunately, physics is the problem, and I don't think it is possible to fix this, without changing the physics of how grenades perform.
  7. Don't know.... I usually read thru the first couple pages of comments. If there are major issues, you will find them there. If you don't, then, likely not an issue.
  8. Now THAT is funny. It's also completely false. Dems have their own favorite conspiracy theories as well. In all reality, I think the political distribution of 'theorists' is pretty even...... Just not all the same theories. :D it's not funny . it is simply true. please show me the dem conspiracy theories. or do you mean the fake accounts of the ultra right extremists just claiming they are left while spreading stupid content ? they are mostly identified as fake and closed in the meantime. even still a laughable theory existed that left terrorists are responsible for the storm of the capitol. no joke - some people still believe this stupid far right tale - probably supported by mrs mcenany on fox tv... True? Really? I would just LOVE to see ANY evidence of that. And NOT from some leftist mouthpiece network either please.
  9. Not sure using two UI mods at the same time is a good idea.... but, I don't know what FallUI actually does... Possible conflict there?
  10. Now THAT is funny. It's also completely false. Dems have their own favorite conspiracy theories as well. In all reality, I think the political distribution of 'theorists' is pretty even...... Just not all the same theories. :D
  11. Not much of a platform when all parties agree that people need to stop marrying their waifus and marry a real woman and get to make babies. Do the democrats actually agree to that though? Aren't they the ones advocating a guy that wants to pretend he is a woman, really IS a woman?????
  12. Not much of a platform when all parties agree that people need to stop marrying their waifus and marry a real woman and get to make babies. Do the democrats actually agree to that though? Aren't they the ones advocating a guy that wants to pretend he is a woman, really IS a woman?????
  13. HeyYou


    Biden is not a moderate. Maybe on some issues, but, not enough of them. It isn't Biden himself that is the problem, it is his stance on the issues. Putting us back into the Paris accord, attempting to essentially double the federal minimum wage, banning certain types of firearms, based purely on cosmetic features, banning certain firearm accessories, (high capacity magazines, even though they are standard on a fair few weapons he is not banning.....) and a host of others. I have been thru this list several times in this thread. Nothing there has changed. Biden certainly hasn't changed his position...... Right now, it *seems* like the republicans are rabidly pro-trump. Let me assure you, that is not the case. Yes, there are SOME out there that are, but, they are NOT the majority. (you know, the voters......) If trump runs in 24, he will lose. Again. Pretty much guaranteed. The media just likes to report on the far far right, as they sells newspapers/magazines/advertising space...... You don't hear about the moderate republicans, as they are not newsworthy....
  14. Any mods affecting the pipboy?
  15. Well their issue is their low birth rate, for their ~126 million people. The age chart for the country looks nearly like an upside down pyramid with a large part of the population is in the 50+ age group and narrows quite a bit in the under 20 age group. I heard from someone that is familiar with Japan culture and worked as a teacher there for awhile, he sees the societal pressure is one of the key issues there that drives people to become over work and neglect dating or break contact and get way to much into escapism. So their governments push is attempt to fix something but not in the best manner to fix it, in some cases it just makes the issue worse. (Pretty much any governments attempt to fix something that isn't properly understood usually fails.) In my view, governments aren't in the business of 'fixing' anything. If they actually solved a problem, they wouldn't have that issue to campaign on. So, the general trend is to treat symptoms of a larger ill, but do nothing to deal with the ill itself.
  16. HeyYou


    You are assuming that folks that voted republican in the last election, support everything that Trump does/says. Let me assure you, that is NOT the case. Sure, they support some of his policies, maybe even most of them, but, by and large, a significant percentage of them, (like me....) do NOT support the dems policies/positions, therefore, they vote for the 'other guys'. It isn't an all or nothing affair here. It is simply a matter of preference for the direction we want the country to go. Do I agree with/support everything Trump does/says? Oh hell no. I think he is an idiot, and I hope the republican party wakes up before the next presidential election, and decides to run someone that can actually win. I don't think Trump qualifies there...... In short, folks voted for what they saw as the 'lesser of two evils'......
  17. HeyYou


    Both parties have been drifting further and further in their respective directions. It's been going on for a while. It was fairly mild, right up until Obama was elected, then the republicans decided it was more important that Obama couldn't get anything done, than it was for them to do right by the country. I don't have specific examples, just a general impression I got at the time, from the news that was coming out of the swamp. When Trump got elected, the roles were reversed, and the dems wanted to make sure that Trump couldn't get anything done.... Both sides have been moving further and further from the 'center'..... What was considered 'extremist' ten years ago, is now considered mainstream..... and it gets worse every day. As for politics not being about doing the business of the country, I typed that wrong. I meant POLITICIANS... you know, people. Their priorities, and the peoples priorities, are NOT the same. Politicians are more concerned about lining their pockets, and making sure their big donors get their pet legislation passed, regardless of what it does to the rest of us. I must have mistyped in my previous post. :smile: It WAS early in the morning for us here. :smile: Gotta refrain from posting till AFTER my first cup of coffee.
  18. The last few days, trying to use the forums has been an exercise in frustration. Pages are extremely slow to load.... I've taken to clicking on a link, and then moving to another tab, and doing something else while I wait for the page to load. This is the only forum I am seeing this kind of behavior on. The other forums I visit load quite quickly. Is it just me, or is there something strange going on?
  19. HeyYou


    Where have you been the last couple decades? Extremism has become the 'thing' for both parties of late. This isn't anything new, it's pretty much "normal" now. Politics isn't about doing the business of the country, it's about making sure that the Other Guys can't do anything good. And both parties are guilty of that.
  20. I just use scrap everything, and I have yet to encounter an object I want to scrap, that I can't......
  21. This is true. Beth has been known to play pretty fast and loose with their own lore.......
  22. We still have baby bonus here in the Great Frozen North and at one time I think the idea existed south of the border too ... has it been done away with in the US or was it always more of a state by state thing? You still get tax deductions for each child you have, and if you have 12 (or more) you don't pay income taxes at all. The republican party is against abortion, and a fair few of them are against federal dollars paying for contraceptives as well. The republican party gave a really good shot at defunding planned parenthood. And I think some of that is still about. To the point of NUMEROUS clinecs closing. Yes, the birthrate is declining, but, that isn't relevant to the discussion. The republican party is all about 'pro-life', right up until you are born, then, you are on your own. So, while they may not be actively encouraging a high birth rate, they ARE taking active steps to see that it happens. Fortunately, they aren't as successful as they would like.
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