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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. PANPC reduces grenade/molotov spam. Works great.
  2. Scrap Everything should work just fine, when properly installed. And it does indeed need to be LAST in your load list.
  3. HeyYou


    So what do you propose? Divide into two (or more....) countries? Trouble with that is, we are too intermixed for that to work effectively.....
  4. HeyYou


    Why is forcing the other side with armed conflict the only answer ? Because as it currently stands, the only folks that CAN change things, are the very same folks that benefit the most from NOT changing anything. They would be foolish to cut off their own gravy train, and I am not going to hold my breath waiting for them to do it. Haven't you ever noticed that regardless of how little money folks have when they go in to congress, they are rather wealthy by the time they are coming up for re-election again? Obama was a 'community organizer' in Chicago before he got elected to the Senate. He didn't even serve one full term before moving on to two terms as president, and now he is buying multi-million dollar houses. He did not win the lottery. He did not open a company that made him rich, it was his political donors/connections that made him rich. And that works for EVERYONE in congress. (for the most part.) We need Citizens United gone. (corporations are NOT people) We need campaign finance reform. We need to get rid of the paid lobbyists. Folks that served in government should be barred for 10 years (if not life) from becoming a lobbyist. Along with a few other things that will NEVER happen, short of a revolution. Doesn't have to be an actual "war", if THE PEOPLE got together and demanded it, it would happen. Problem is, the people just don't have the gumption (collectively) to actually DO anything at all.
  5. I am thinking that outdated hardware may have something to do with it as well. Your vid card is WAY below spec for the game, and your processor is ancient.
  6. I don't recall if there is an M-14 or not....... of any variety. I *think* there is...... but, can't swear to it. There is a list here though.
  7. HeyYou


    What we really need is a second 'civil war', to replace our current government, with something that actually has the interests of the people at heart, and not their own pocketbooks. That is the ONLY way we are going to get the necessary reforms to get the big money OUT of politics. The Supreme Court sold us all down the river with the Citizens United decision.
  8. By lore i mean that i am assuming people left the vault and took the pistols after the mutiny which occurred. So that it is lore friendly. Still some dead guys layin' about though.... including in the overseers office. :) My guess is, they had more guns, than people to use them, so, maybe leaving a few behind was because they didn't want to carry them.... Or, maybe even simple oversight.
  9. At one time, I had the combat shotgun, 32 round mag, with the explosive effect.... I kept wondering why I was dying so often, until it was pointed out to me that the 15 points explosive damage was per projectile, and had an area of effect. I was killing myself. :D
  10. Beth regularly updates FO4, so, there is a bit of lag time between when beth does their update, and when the FOSE team can update on their end. An older version of FO4SE simply won't work with a newer version of the game. I really despise the methods beth is using to implement their creation club loot boxes.
  11. I do believe the G36 is included in modern firearms. :) I also use Pack Attack, a mod that dramatically improves combat AI. (and also increases spawns, all of which, is configurable. :) ) So I see random patrols of various types on a regular basis. My level 70 character ran across a group of super muties, six of them, I believe, and TWO of them had Vulcans.... I was caught unaware, fighting a couple gunners at the location, and was, unfortunately, caught out in the open by the muties.... Needless to say, they made short work of me. :D
  12. HeyYou


    That is what the libs would like you to think the world really is. Hollywood is helping them forward those views. I vehemently disagree with most of what the dems are running on of late. They have moved so far to the left, I am waiting for them to fall off the edge. Actually the Right has moved so far to the Right, that the Dems are Centrists now. The left have moved so far to the left, that I am waiting for them to fall off the edge. And yes, the right HAS moved further right.... That space in the middle has expanded dramatically, and has become a no-mans land. Neither side can give even the slightest appearance of cooperating with the other side, else they are crucified by their own party. It was an issue before, but, REALLY became an issue when Obama took office. The right REALLY didn't want him to succeed. Now, we have trump, and the Left REALLY doesn't want him to succeed...... Politics has become more about obstructionism, than about doing the business of the country. We need to vote them ALL out, and start fresh. That assumes that Bernie makes it that long. Of course, he is running on pipe dreams... Open borders, green new deal, single payer health care...... Too many folks have some pretty severe objections to a lot of his positions, so, I expect another republican victory in 2020, and it wouldn't surprise me at all if the dems lose the house.
  13. No need. I think I made my point clear enough. It's probably too far back for you to remember, but this thread started with people wondering WHY the mod in question was hidden. In my post, I owned to my contributions, and gave my reasons for doing so. Since then, you've continued to make statements that are objectively incorrect. Because your statements have the power to misinform others, and to reinforce dangerous myths, I've taken the time to rebut them. And no, I don't expect to change your mind; you've demonstrated that you're impervious to logic, or to new facts that don't fit your world-view. However, I want those people who still have an open mind to see the evidence, in the hope that, once informed, they'll reach conclusions based upon fact, rather than lies. I invite you to look in the mirror, as all of those statements apply to you as well. You have your view, you feel you are right, and therefore, you feel the need to denigrate anything/anyone that has a differing view. Which is absolutely expected. Thankyouverymuchgoodnight.
  14. What's the name of the mod, I am not coming up with anything using hairjungle.esp as a search term.
  15. Hhhmmm, the forums don't seem to want to post what I typed...... Not sure what that's all about. But, no real loss I suppose. Arguing these particular points with someone on a forum, that doesn't live here, has no clue about our society or culture, and is just another one of the 'progressive liberals' that needs a cause to forward, is waste of time, and effort. I oppose the whole 'gay rights' movement, as a demand by the alphabet crowd for MORE rights, than the MAJORITY. Another cause that is dragging society further down the drain. Wonderful. In any event, I have had about as much of this type of stupidity as I can stomache, so, I'm out. Enjoy your delusions, and your uphill battle.
  16. My real life guns don't have any impact on what I carry in game. I tend to carry three weapons, pistol, full-auto combat rifle of some variety, and a sniper rifle as well. I have modern firearms/sidearms installed, so, there is a HUGE variety of weapons available.... (to be used against you as well, watch out for the Super Mutants with a frigging Vulcan, that HURTS!) For the most part, I am concerned about the amount of damage a pistol can do per shot, for the combat rifle, it's damage per second, for the sniper, range is the determining factor. I run the game with UGrids set to 7, so, the 'vanilla' ranged weapons just won't cut it. According to theory, at longer ranges than your weapon is rated for, you projectile 'drops off' significantly. Seems more to me that it just ceases to exist. :)
  17. I get Americans don't understand irony, but this is sublime. You're saying don't be triggered by something you don't like, yet here you are, triggered by something you don't like. How utterly wonderful. I feel a need to point out hypocrisy when I see it. "My pride is fine, YOUR pride is NOT." no hypocrisy here my friend. live and let live is my motto. you should try it. one love. I beg to differ. "Gay Pride" is fine, "Straight Pride" is not? That is hypocrisy at it's finest. The whole "we can do this, but you cannot" thing is getting rather old. And it is a violation of FEDERAL law to fire someone because they are gay. Does it happen anyway? You bet. In a fair few places though, employment is "At will." That means your employer can fire you for no reason at all, whenever he feels like it. He doesn't need to give a reason. Then we have the folks that get fired, and start screaming DISCRIMINATION. Doesn't matter what the REAL reason is they got fired. If they are of some 'protected' minority, that HAS to be the reason they were fired.
  18. Wonder if browser security settings are biting you.
  19. I get Americans don't understand irony, but this is sublime. You're saying don't be triggered by something you don't like, yet here you are, triggered by something you don't like. How utterly wonderful. I feel a need to point out hypocrisy when I see it. "My pride is fine, YOUR pride is NOT."
  20. Looks very similar to the combat rifle. Though I would bet that it isn't .45 caliber. :)
  21. No, it's NOT my interpretation. It's the considered judgement of an increasing number of people. As far as giving a "minority more rights than anyone else", consider these unpleasant truths: In the US, there are jurisdictions where it is legal to fire someone, or refuse to employ them, if they're gay. In far too many countries in the world, simply being gay is a criminal offense; in a number of particularly backwards ones it's a capital crime. To say that this minority has "more rights" than the majority is a gross lie. I don't live in 'many parts of the world', I live in the united states, where the dems have taken it upon themselves to make sure the alphabet crowd isn't 'discriminated' against, by passing laws that FAVOR them, over folks that do NOT fall into that category. I do not really care, nor have any influence, over what other countries do, and I consider that "Not My Problem." "Considered Judgement of an increasing number of people." Yep, and just who are those people? Gays, members of the alphabet crowd, and a significant selection of dems. Not even a majority. And in all reality, it simply doesn't matter WHAT they believe to be true. They are assigning motivations to folks they have zero knowledge of. The whole "We find this offensive, so, everyone else must ALSO find it offensive." is NOT a valid argument. I would bet real money, that if you asked the non-alphabet crowd, if they found the whole 'gay pride', or whatever subset of the alphabet crowd-pride offensive, the answer would be a resounding YES. Yet you don't see folks reporting mods because of that. I don't remember reading anything, anywhere, that says you have the right never to be offended. The world simply does not work that way. If you don't like something, don't download it. You are not the "I am OFFENDED" police. Quite frankly, I really don't care if you are offended, or not. I don't care for the gay-pride, or related mods, but, you won't see me starting a thread about it, nor will you see me downloading them. I simply ignore them, and move on. Something you should seriously consider doing.
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