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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. Remove the ones that vortex is whining about, redownload and install.
  2. Do you get the pops and crackles regardless of what media you are listening to? or what device sound is output to?
  3. Delete your shader cache... I believe it is in C:\Users\YourUserName\AppData\Starfield. (appdata is a hidden folder, so, need to make sure 'show hidden' is turned on.)
  4. Does your mobo have onboard sound? I would disconnect any of the other sound devices, and try using the onboard. The NVIDIA stuff likely has nothing to do with it, unless you have speakers on your monitor, and connect via HDMI. (or, a separate plug....)
  5. Cyclic redundancy check??? How is the drive the game is installed on????
  6. I am seein' too many possibilities in your load list. I believe that's a missing texture, does the console tell you what mod its from? (the first two numbers of the form ID indicate what the mod load order number is.)
  7. Maybe it's us????? Nah.......
  8. Not meant to be derogatory. Just kinda surprising that folks will pass up FREE content... And yes, it is good practice to play a while vanilla, and from there, decide what you want to change.
  9. Dern tootin'. I love mods. I have used little mods, that only change one or two things, to mods that totally change the way a game plays. I have added more content to my games, then I could likely ever play...... The stuff authors put out is friggin' amazing. It's actually really surprising how few people actually mod their games.....
  10. I don't think I have played a beth game vanilla, for more than a few hours, before I was downloading mods, or making them myself..... When Oblivion first came out, I played for about 45 minutes, and HATED it. Level scaling was SO over the top. I came back to it a year or two later, when FCOM came out. That DRAMATICALLY changed the way the game played, and I LOVED it. I started on Beth games with Daggerfall, I never modded Daggerfall, as I couldn't get it to run for more than a few levels, before I got the dreaded "The game has encountered an error, you must reinstall."..... I gave up after about the fourth time. Morrowind? Yep. Started modding that as soon as I discovered there WERE mods. Then I found the CK..... I am divorced now.
  11. I like to give new beth games a year or so before purchase..... Didn't do that with Starfield though. Still, I don't regret it. It's a fun game to play.
  12. Ford, Chevy, and a HOST of others, DO do cars that way. Why do you think a common saying is "Never buy the first model year, or the first year of a new generation."????? How did FO4 make most of it's money before it released? Yeah, it had good pre-order sales, but, many retailers sold out their supplies within the first couple days as well. The game STILL has a significant player base. I got FO4 shortly after release. The game was eminently playable, and I didn't encounter any of the game breaking bugs some folks did. Starfield is a mediocre game. Beth should have done a few things different..... but, I wasn't consulted when the game was in development. Beth has also never really had a "Good" story since Morrowind...... Starfield was also very playable for me upon release. (yes, I preordered, yes, I got the game a week before launch.) There are bugs, yes, but, in any game of this scope, that's gonna happen, regardless of who releases it.
  13. Not sure on that. Might ask in the comments section of the mod you mentioned though. Author might be able to do that.
  14. I use that time to scan the planet from orbit. See where the resources are, and possibly learn a trait. (scanner perk in the tech section... for ships) Not sure if there is a way around having to go to orbit on the first visit.... Likely won't be able to change that till the CK drops.
  15. Once you have traveled to a planet, after landing once, I do believe you can then go directly to the planet surface if you travel there again....
  16. If you 'scan' the POI symbol with your scanner up, it will tell you 'vaguely' what it is, and there are different symbols for different 'naturals'.... If it is the same symbol, it's likely the same type of location.
  17. Yup. That's what my ship is for. All the comforts of home, (and workbenches....) and they are always right there with me. I may build a 'vacation home' in some scenic spot. But, I don't otherwise do much with outposts either.
  18. Do the Vanguard questline. That'll get ya a nice place.
  19. You have to have a 'crew station' at your outpost in order to assign folks there. They come naturally with the ship, but, for outposts, they are a separate item.
  20. If you have the testfile line in your ini, the plugins.txt mod won't work.
  21. The Holodeck beats the pants off of any VR headset.... Images you can touch, feel, and physically interact with? No headset?? Just an empty room, and some equipment. I am thinkin' something like GTA would be FAR more fun in a holodeck, than any VR headset.
  22. Game version? SFSE Version? Address library version? Are you running the beta patch?
  23. Beyond my knowledge at this point. Everything I know about linux is written on the inside of my left eyelid.....
  24. I would add the line, not worrying about line count, where the tutorial wants it, and see what happens. Worst case: It doesn't work. :D
  25. Link to the tutorial doesn't work. Found it anyway though.... he hasn't been here for a week, but, that's not unusual for forums... what step are you failing at?
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