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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. Plugins.txt isn't officially supported yet. In fact, mods in general are not officially supported yet....... there will likely be a patch for it shortly before the CK releases..... which will probably break a whole bunch of stuff. :D
  2. Some people don't speak English, and others can't speak at all. You sound like one of the many keyboard warriors who are intolerant towards the deaf and mute. Do you get most of your exercise jumping to conclusions?
  3. running it on a machine which costs me more to play it than its worth..... ive bled it dry....I feel let down but, s#*! happens. I played it till I didn't wanna see another s#*! texture again... I can't see it coming back from this, cyberpunk was broke, but it had a soul.....and it made ya come back and back, and let's be fair, it's full of life and personality, star field is like the girl you wanted for years, all ya mates told ya she's a dick but ya want her to be good coz she has everything ya want, and she tells ya good things... only to meet her finally and she turns out to be a liar with cheap make up and could talk a glass eye to sleep... but u wanted her for so long ya ride it out..till your happy its over, and glad ...... mistakes happen haha , ...metaphorically speaking :D its 2023....baldurs gate and Alan wake have just set the bar.... very high... this is coming from someone who loved the first 40 hours coz I was that embarrassed to admit ive had a headache more exciting ....if that's the best they can do, then id call it a day..... no wonder there is no intelligent life!! of all the iconic characters for the clone mission they could of used ..... Presley, frank Sinatra , bonnie Clyde , Neil Armstrong, loads....and they use 3 or 4 that are so forgettable ... I'm no genius, ive never made a game, but ... I could go on for days, coz we got lied too.... not again... id sack everyone , then quit myself if I was Todd and give keys to nexus mods ... anyway.... apart from that... back to Alan wake 2 Lots of words, zero information.
  4. Oooooo. "Official" DLSS support. NVidia owners should be happy about that.
  5. Save corruption has been an issue with Beth games since Morrowind. Qucksaves/autosaves were notorious for being easily corrupted. Best practice was to simply turn them off, and get in the habit of making hard saves REGULARLY. :D And now beth has added exit saves... a feature you CAN'T turn off..... Not sure how reliable those are. Jury is still out. The problem with save corruption is, it won't necessarily manifest itself immediately after it happens... it could be hours, or even days of playtime before you notice things aren't quite right.......
  6. Change the reactor(s)? Trouble with that is, likely every other system on the ship wants an "M" class reactor as well. Once the CK releases though, the "Pilot M class ships" mod will be out shortly thereafter. :D
  7. We account for less than 30% of China's economy at this point. Yes, it would hurt, but, they would get over it. On the other hand, The US economy going down the tubes would have a majorly bad effect on the rest of the world as well..... and likely within two years, the rest of the world would be looking at economic collapse as well. If that long....
  8. You can do that anywhere. :D Now, whether you can transfer between your inventory, and the ship, is another question entirely. :D That's what the distance is, it's the distance that you can transfer instead of just look. For example, in Akila City you can transfer into and out of your ship cargo from the front gate area, but once you get a little further into the city you can only look at the cargo. That particular feature seems to be really hit or miss for me. Sometimes the option is there, sometimes it ain't, even if I am standing in the loading bay......
  9. Makes me wonder what is changing when you go thru a loading screen... As I said before, I get the delay for a few seconds after a loading screen, but, once controls start responding again, every works as it should....
  10. You can do that anywhere. :D Now, whether you can transfer between your inventory, and the ship, is another question entirely. :D
  11. I was thinking something more obvious acting as a quick reference. The ability to click on an outpost from the tablet, or perhaps a secondary screen on the ship HUD, and being given the choice of going there would be handy. As it is now your need to remember the system and view the systems to see the default icon, which doesn't differentiate itself all that much (even a different color would help). Oh, I agree. Having some kinda menu similar to the "Crew" menu, that shows outposts, their inventories, production rates, etc, would be AWESOME. :D The game knows all this information, so, its just a matter of putting it into a menu...... Just need to know HOW the game tracks those variables.... May have to wait for the CK for that. :D
  12. Our leaders are dumb and greedy and have no idea how to tame this beast. They see a large conflict with 2 great positives for them. Population reduction and they look at the boom after WW2 and think it will save the US economy. Sadly they moved all manufacturing out so not sure how that will work out. If a Neo-Con / Neo-Liberal gets into office here, things will be very very bad. *snicker* consider the consequences of a conflict with China. :D They hold a significant portion of our national debt, and a good percentage of our manufacturing as well. China could tank our economy simply by dumping all the US bonds they hold. Probably one of the reasons no one has bothered to put a check on China in the South China Sea.
  13. Is there an option for mouse acceleration in the in game settings somewhere? Might try turning that off.... It's also possible it could be some windows filtering that is causing it.... that one would be hard to nail down though.
  14. I did, not there. The OneDrive is the same thing as Personal, which I use to transfer files from my main computer and the Flight Sim/Game computer. I did a search on the entire computer for sfs files (which I assume are the saved files). The only sfs files are saved games I downloaded from Nexus Mods. John That just beyond weird..... I wonder where the game is finding them???? Not like beth would have them stashed in some hidden folder somewhere....
  15. It was a huge mistake from Bethesda to not release the CK together with the game. My guess is that they are planning a big creation club type thing for Starfield, Skyrim and FO4 combined that needs a lot of preparation. Until it is out next year, most people have moved on from the game already. That includes modders and mod-creators. They don't release the modding tools with the game, as that complicates their bug hunt. After all, several million players are going to find more bugs than the comparatively few play-testers used in-house. I think the last time the CK came with the game, was Morrowind..... :D Was fixing bugs not the job of the mod-creators anyway with Bethesda games? :wink: The majority of bugs the modders fixed were cosmetics.... floating rocks, and such. Sure, there were some genuine bugs that beth never bothered to fix, so modders did instead...... But, that really doesn't come as a surprise. Morrowind had a game breaking bug that beth never fixed... modders finally figgered it out.....
  16. Hhhmmm.... The astrodynamics skill does indeed reduce fuel needs for grav jumps, but, I think if you have more than one crew member with the skill, the lower skill shouldn't really contribute anything... as the higher skilled crew member will already know the tricks the lower skilled member does. Maybe adding a percentage of the lower percentage?? 10% of the secondary crew members contribution? If you have more than two.... a lower percentage for the third, and fourth?
  17. If you have an outpost in a system, there is a symbol beside it in the Star Map......
  18. It was a huge mistake from Bethesda to not release the CK together with the game. My guess is that they are planning a big creation club type thing for Starfield, Skyrim and FO4 combined that needs a lot of preparation. Until it is out next year, most people have moved on from the game already. That includes modders and mod-creators. They don't release the modding tools with the game, as that complicates their bug hunt. After all, several million players are going to find more bugs than the comparatively few play-testers used in-house. I think the last time the CK came with the game, was Morrowind..... :D
  19. Is that all the time? Or just after loading screens? I see a delay of a few seconds after loading a new area where controls are unresponsive... but, after a few seconds, everything is good again.
  20. Sometimes..... I can access my cargo hold when I am NOT in the ship..... but, I have no clue what the conditions for that are. I have tried repeating it, but, so far..... no luck. Having that interface in the cargo hold would be awesome. :D
  21. If the game is installed to the default spot..... It will be in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\Common\Starfield. THAT is where you want to put the SFSE stuff. (SFSE_loader.exe, and such. Don't need the "source" folder though.) Plugins for SFSE go in ....Starfield\Data\SFSE\Plugins The folder is not there by default, it *might* appear if you run the game once.... if not, simply create it. Keep in mind, that for any of it to work, you MUST start the game with SFSE_Loader.exe.
  22. That's just weird...... Have a look in your One Drive\Documents folder, see if there is anything in there... (are you even using one drive??)
  23. So far as I know, Beth doesn't do that trick. They should be in C:\Users\YourUserName\Documents\My Games\Starfield\Saves...... They aren't hidden or anything odd like that...... Younger generation? :D I'm 62..... I got tired of doing the auto tech thing for a living back in the 90s' though, and a friend of mine get my a job doing phone support for Borders Books and Music..... That was probably the best decision I have made in my life. :D
  24. There is an easier way to do it. Change the location of where "Photos" are saved, then simply nuke the data folder in the My Games folder. The game then defaults to the Data folder where the game itself is installed.
  25. If you use the same password for every site under the sun, you get what you deserve. And no, I am simply NOT concerned about 'security' of my account on a GAMING website. After all, this is the ONLY site that requires 12 characters for a password.... so, this password is most certainly unique. Why anyone would bother trying to hack it is a mystery to me. There is literally nothing to be gained. awesome response. really shows how utterly ignorant you are. well played. Or maybe how paranoid you are? no, i think its definitey a YOU problem - hence the fact that cybercrime is a multi-billion dollar industry. you're not alone in your ignorance and complacency. plus, it keeps me gainfully employed, so, thank you, i guess? Yeah. Uh huh. The password to a gaming site is oh-so-important...... You are apparently not familiar with the term "Acceptable Risk". You wanna live your life like everyone and everything is out to screw you, that's YOUR problem. Not mine. I choose to take a bit more relaxed outlook.
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