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Everything posted by HeyYou
I don't have any real desire to help anyone that isn't interested in helping themselves first. Not to mention, that a fair few of those folks that some would like me to 'help', are far more likely to rob me at gunpoint, than accept any kind of help from me. No. The black community needs to take some responsibility for their current condition, and start taking steps to change it. Unfortunately, their way of life has become institutionalized, and no one is really interested in change. It seems to be much more popular to go out, protest, burn, loot, pillage THEIR OWN NEIGHBORHOOD, when some criminal is killed by cops, than it is to actually attempt to make the situation better. The 'demands' of the BLM group make that eminently clear.
I think that's a matter of perspective. Personally, I don't want my granddaughter asking my why that 'lady' over there has somethin' swingin' between her legs. Nor do I want some perv/pedo using it as a cover, so he can go into the girls bathroom and get his rocks off. In all reality, in many ways, I agree with the law, use the bathroom for the physical sexual characteristics that you have. If you have the twig and berries, use the mens/boys room. Why is that so hard for people to get?
Is it harassing a tiny group? Or, is it protecting a much larger group?
Blame is pointless. The situation is as it is. Doesn't really matter anymore how we got here. I am real curious who is 'benefiting' from the current state of affairs......
HHhhhmmm.... So, Universities will be forced to allow folks to use the bathroom of their Gender Identity, but, government buildings will not? How does that make any sense? I still see this as the rights of a TINY minority, trumping the rights of the vast majority. I have a real problem with that. As I see it, there is no 'fix' for this. Someones rights are going to be abridged. I would REALLY like to know what reasoning anyone can apply to this situation...... Why is it, that trans folks 'rights' seem to be more important than EVERYONE else?
There is no external force that is going to solve anything for those that are unwilling to help themselves, or change what is wrong within their own communities. We have demonstrated this over and over again, but still, our politicians seem to think it is a good idea........ Change MUST start from within the communities themselves, else, any effort applied by an outside force is just a waste of time/effort/money.
Please explain to me how either amendment applies to which restroom you want to use.
But that's just it. No matter which way you slice, you will be violating someones rights. It makes sense to me to make that number as small as possible. Considering that the number of folks that want to use the 'other' bathroom, is a very tiny minority, doesn't it seem reasonable that they would be the ones that should have to give, instead of the rest of the population? Granted, to all of the 'rest of the population' sees this is much of an issue.... However, the significant majority does. Aren't we ostensibly a democratic nation? Majority rules, and all that? Or, should the majority give in to the tiny minority, and lets just toss all that democracy nonsense out the window? Basically, you simply CAN'T let everyone have what they want here. Something is going to have to give, will it be the majority? Or the minority?
Your reasoning applies to .1% of the population. Catering to them infringes on the rights of the other 99.9%. So, whose rights are more important? A tiny fraction of the population? Or, the vast majority of the population? And I question your 1 in a 1000 as well. What I am seeing is .03 to .05% of births..... (3 to 5 of 10,000......) Which skews the numbers even more dramatically.
This is idiotic. Protests are meant to show a sign of solidarity against an institutionalized wrong. Black on black crime is not institutionalized. Black on black crime is symptomatic of the poverty and injustice which black people have faced for 300 years in the United States. You don't stop black on black crime my protesting other black people, you stop it by enriching your community and improving those people's lives who resort to violence. White police officer's lives do not need to be improved. You stop white on black crime by protesting against those committing it, namely, the government ei white people ei police officers. Hey You are you being a typical privileged white person with that comment. LOLOLOL. Right. BLM gets all up in arms when a black person is killed by a cop. Doesn't matter what color the cop is. Doesn't matter that the person killed has a criminal record longer than your arm, or that the black person posed a real threat to the officer pulling the trigger. The 'victim' is always portrayed as some misunderstood angel that was victimized by 'the man'. What an utter load of bull feces. I am REAL curious how it is 'wrong' for a cop to defend himself, when he feels his life is threatened. And the whole thing about 'poverty and injustice' for the last 300 years is just another excuse for the poor behavior exhibited by the black community. 74% of children born out of wedlock. Multiple kids by different fathers. Etc. Etc. etc. The black community is its own worst enemy. Unless/Until the black community addresses their "cultural" problems, nothing is going to change. II doubt very seriously if BLM exists past the presidential election, no matter who gets in. I don't think it is social. I think it is political. I don't know..... there is an opportunity there for some folks to make money.... so, while it may be a purely political thing to begin with, I suspect it may evolve into something more...... Have you forgotten that there is more money into and out from politics than any other entity other than religion. Politics is synonymous with money. Playing the lotto and playing politics have a lot in common, LOLOL. Ain't that the truth. :D
This is idiotic. Protests are meant to show a sign of solidarity against an institutionalized wrong. Black on black crime is not institutionalized. Black on black crime is symptomatic of the poverty and injustice which black people have faced for 300 years in the United States. You don't stop black on black crime my protesting other black people, you stop it by enriching your community and improving those people's lives who resort to violence. White police officer's lives do not need to be improved. You stop white on black crime by protesting against those committing it, namely, the government ei white people ei police officers. Hey You are you being a typical privileged white person with that comment. LOLOLOL. Right. BLM gets all up in arms when a black person is killed by a cop. Doesn't matter what color the cop is. Doesn't matter that the person killed has a criminal record longer than your arm, or that the black person posed a real threat to the officer pulling the trigger. The 'victim' is always portrayed as some misunderstood angel that was victimized by 'the man'. What an utter load of bull feces. I am REAL curious how it is 'wrong' for a cop to defend himself, when he feels his life is threatened. And the whole thing about 'poverty and injustice' for the last 300 years is just another excuse for the poor behavior exhibited by the black community. 74% of children born out of wedlock. Multiple kids by different fathers. Etc. Etc. etc. The black community is its own worst enemy. Unless/Until the black community addresses their "cultural" problems, nothing is going to change. II doubt very seriously if BLM exists past the presidential election, no matter who gets in. I don't think it is social. I think it is political. I don't know..... there is an opportunity there for some folks to make money.... so, while it may be a purely political thing to begin with, I suspect it may evolve into something more......
This is idiotic. Protests are meant to show a sign of solidarity against an institutionalized wrong. Black on black crime is not institutionalized. Black on black crime is symptomatic of the poverty and injustice which black people have faced for 300 years in the United States. You don't stop black on black crime my protesting other black people, you stop it by enriching your community and improving those people's lives who resort to violence. White police officer's lives do not need to be improved. You stop white on black crime by protesting against those committing it, namely, the government ei white people ei police officers. Hey You are you being a typical privileged white person with that comment. LOLOLOL. Right. BLM gets all up in arms when a black person is killed by a cop. Doesn't matter what color the cop is. Doesn't matter that the person killed has a criminal record longer than your arm, or that the black person posed a real threat to the officer pulling the trigger. The 'victim' is always portrayed as some misunderstood angel that was victimized by 'the man'. What an utter load of bull feces. I am REAL curious how it is 'wrong' for a cop to defend himself, when he feels his life is threatened. And the whole thing about 'poverty and injustice' for the last 300 years is just another excuse for the poor behavior exhibited by the black community. 74% of children born out of wedlock. Multiple kids by different fathers. Etc. Etc. etc. The black community is its own worst enemy. Unless/Until the black community addresses their "cultural" problems, nothing is going to change.
The thing is, your perception of yourself isn't going to change anyone elses perception of you. If you go to the ladies john, and whip out your schlong, the ladies are going to take issue with that. (the ones with the correct equipment.) Go into the mens room, and no one will even bat an eye. Sure, brain scans are going to come up differently for people that have different views of themselves. I would even expect that you would get different results if you re-scanned the same folks periodically over time. (years.) That doesn't really prove anything. I would be much more interested in a comparison of blood chemistry, and the levels of selected hormones..... :) Your sex is a physical trait. it's not something you can simply decide to change, and expect society at large to accept it. Your brain activity has absolutely nothing to do with what is between your legs, as that can't change it either.
Lets not get into a contest of terminologies here. I'm transgender and I call myself male to female transgender because the first is what people percieve and the last is what I am. I don't think that bigots are confused about anything, because they seem to be the one's who refuse the terminology and claim that I am confused because I think I'm a women and I clearly look like a man, to them. All you have to do is look between your legs, and you should realize that you are indeed a man. Can you tell the state of the mind from the exterior? What is there is in a realm all it's own. But changes nothing. You are still male. That is physiology, not psychology.
Lets not get into a contest of terminologies here. I'm transgender and I call myself male to female transgender because the first is what people percieve and the last is what I am. I don't think that bigots are confused about anything, because they seem to be the one's who refuse the terminology and claim that I am confused because I think I'm a women and I clearly look like a man, to them. All you have to do is look between your legs, and you should realize that you are indeed a man.
Oh, We may or may not directly wipe ourselves out. (war, disease, whathaveyou) But, we are poisoning our environment, and our climate is changing. Two things I really do not expect to change. Given current generation humans are all about 'gimme, gimme', and outright refuse to accept that some things are simply beyond their control, so, refuse to adapt to changing conditions...... I expect to see some major disasters, that are purely man-made, closely followed by economic collapse on a grand scale. THAT will lead to wars, and various other 'bad things'™. We are our own worst enemy, and I really don't see that changing either.
Why do you think so? I don't really see how the two are connected. But, I suspect the human race will destroy itself in any event...... I don't give us more than another 100 years. :D
No, I do not. I speak for myself.
So we need to accept other folks delusions in order to not be bigoted..... If you have the twig and berries, that makes you male. A "man", doesn't matter what you want to pretend to be, as that is all it is. Someone pretending.
c0000005.... do you think I should do a rollback? If the rollback is similar to 'revert to original O/S', I wouldn't hold my breath on that working, or even leaving you with a working copy of windows..... When you uninstalled, did you also remove the folders in My Games, (where ini's, and save games are held) and the folder in C:\Users\yourusername\appdata?
I mainly play beth games, which are (or, at least, were...) heavily CPU dependent. I will grant, that at this point, my major bottleneck is my GPU. Its an old HD6850 1gb variety, so, doesn't even meet spec for the game, but, it still runs it reasonably well, even with most setting maxed out.
Does not appear to be working.... I seem to recall reading something about this a while back.... (quite a while) Is it *still* broken, or is this something new?
I actually kinda like having more processor than I really need......
It is? From the outside, looking in, it appears that the EU's purpose is to TAKE ADVANTAGE of globalization, by having a larger bargaining base......
The trouble with Radical Islam is, moderate Islam....... The radicals make a lot of noise, kill a lot of people, and the moderates are extremely quiet. They don't condemn the attacks, they don't say squat, which in most folks views, translates to tacit agreement/support. So, it isn't just the radicals that are seen as the problem, but, Islam as a whole. Of course, some of the tenets of even moderate islam are incompatible with western values....... and the Islamists that come to our shores, be it the US, Europe, UK, don't 'integrate' at all. They form their own small communities, and continue to live by the rules they grew up under, and then act surprised when the 'natives' don't appreciate them, don't want to adapt to THEIR way of life, and most certainly do not accept their values. After all, Islam isn't just a 'religion', it's a political system, that attempts to rule EVERY aspect of your life. One of the suburbs of Detroit USED to be 80% white. Today, it is under 50%.... with about 30% of being of arab descent....... it's like being transported to Iraq... (without the violence....)