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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. My question would be, how does vortex determine what OS you are running?
  2. And all the links are dead..... That's bizarre. Strikes me as a good thread for the bit bucket. :D
  3. Hhhmmm... nothing obvious is jumping out at me. Might wanna fire up xedit, load up all of your mods, then look at the weapons workbench... see if anything interesting there jumps out. Also check out some of the weapon mods, see what mods are affecting them.
  4. Wacky weapons does that, as does any mod, any weapon.... Post your load list, lets see what ya got. There are probably others that do the same thing.
  5. I run modern firearms, along with another mod that unlevels the weapons..... Yep, you can find some cool weapons even at 1st level, but, so can the NPC's..... :D Game is still pretty balanced. :D
  6. Check the files readme files, see if there is any contact info in it.
  7. That's actually a good idea. :D I use TCL in build mode fairly regularly in any event, to reach the really high places I need to get to. :D
  8. Yeah, but, when you started your high level guy, you didn't have the problem either.... Can you see an interesting effects on your character that has the problem?
  9. i have all my Games installed on my R Drive and still have ~800GB free space ^^" https://snipboard.io/Yqzgy7.jpg If R is an actual HDD, then that should work just fine....
  10. Well, since R is your optical drive, that's just not gonna work. :D Download folder can be anywhere you have space, staging folder MUST be on the same physical drive as the game you are modding.
  11. Open vortex, go to settings, then the mods tab. Where is it putting them? (needs to be on the same physical drive as the game you are modding.) Then check the downloads tab, where is vortex putting its downloads?
  12. Check your settings in Vortex for where the various folders are stashed. Chiefly, the downloads folder, and the staging folder.
  13. Did you shuffle drive letters recently?
  14. Is the file its looking for actually IN the location it is looking for it?
  15. Think you read that too fast. What he wants to do is combine two mods, for HIS OWN USE, not for publication. Something that is perfectly legal to do. It's the redistribution thing that is barred. What he does on his own computer is his business.
  16. I actually use that mod, but, the trouble is, in workshop mode, you never get a prompt to open the door.... you can move it, scrap it, etc... but, not open it.....
  17. I did. Killed them in one VATS turn (2 shot legendary Gauss rifle). Settlers did not become hostile. But I had used AFT to look at their stats/setting before and it said Home: Nordhagen. Went back to the save prior since I did not want to start a war with the BoS . But yes I know the Bos only becomes hostile when u cross a line in siding with institute and/or killed named BoS personnell) That's actually a shame. I rather dislike the BoS, and would happily prompt them to be hostile to me. One would think that after shooting down half a dozen vertibirds, they would take exception to that.... but no..... Immersivle how would they know (if this was all real) who did it? Just another dude in Power armor or wasteland rags. (IF they called it in before being shot down and IF they got a pic of you before being shot down and IF this pic was later picked up, even then how would thye know?) I also dislike the Bod in FO4. In FO1 , they were the good guys albeit a bit standoffish at first in FO2 they were good guys 100% In FO4 they are in the middle. Sometiems I even wonder if maybe the BoS is the real reason the United States has not recovred? I mean in 200 years we went form 1750 to 1950. a HUGE quantum jump in human quality of life with no info on how to do it 200 yrs in post apoc america nothing like that happend. Despite remants of tech and infrastructre everywhere to jump start and accelerate development. Could it be because the Bos would take all the tech and killed many of those who were holding it in the process of the battle for said tech? Valid point, considering I don't generally leave survivors.... Though I don't always catch them before they deploy some of their ground forces..... No idea if I 'get' them all or not, every time. BoS is likely a contributor to the fact that nothing much has happened in 210 years....... but, I don't think they are the sole cause. Maybe all the motivated people were killed off in the war, and all we are left with are the lazy do-nothings, that expect everyone else to take care of them. :D
  18. I would love to see something like this..... NOT being able to open doors while in workshop mode is a major pain.
  19. For Morrowind, it is more about clock speed, than anything else. The faster the processor, the better performance you get. Consider, the game was designed back when multi-core processors were just becoming a thing. :D Even today, the 'updated' game engine can barely take advantage of 2 cores, let alone 16.....
  20. I did. Killed them in one VATS turn (2 shot legendary Gauss rifle). Settlers did not become hostile. But I had used AFT to look at their stats/setting before and it said Home: Nordhagen. Went back to the save prior since I did not want to start a war with the BoS . But yes I know the Bos only becomes hostile when u cross a line in siding with institute and/or killed named BoS personnell) That's actually a shame. I rather dislike the BoS, and would happily prompt them to be hostile to me. One would think that after shooting down half a dozen vertibirds, they would take exception to that.... but no.....
  21. I might be wrong... but, I whack BoS dead on a regular basis, yet, new ones showing up are not hostile...... But, if the game considers them Settlers.... the other folks in that settlement might take exception to you just killing them out of hand..... Might be an interesting experiment though. :D
  22. You can get legendary items as quest rewards sometimes. Like Aeternus ( a buffed minigun) for doing the Big Dig in Goodneighbor. There is a mod that allows you to craft legendary features on your weapons but be careful of you will be so OP tghe game will be no fun. I always avoid craftng the best legendaries that way just the 2nd best ones that I may have relaistically found. (Do NOT craft an explosive minigun, or a explosive shotgun, just no. It will totally break the game balance.) Explosive is a rather interesting Legendary effect.... I once found an Explosive Combat shotgun, and that thing was badarse! :D Of course, at close range, it kills YOU too...... Took me a couple deaths to figure that one out. :D
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