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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. The performance jump from the 20 series cards, to the 30 series, was pretty profound. I went from a 1060 to a 3070 and more than tripled my performance..... That said, if your current machine is running your games at an acceptable level of performance, no real point in upgrading just yet. I would consider waiting until the next gen games start hitting store shelves, and see how it goes. :)
  2. The card should be backward compatible. That will be a nice performance bump from your current card.
  3. I might be tempted to go thru and remove any of the CC content you aren't actually using...... Why beth chose to do it that way is beyond me..... You might also consider packing a bunch of archives into a single file, then just use a dummy esp to load it. It's also possible that you are bumping up against the esp/esl limit. Generally, esp limit will just cause your mods to do funny things.... like reset each time you load a game.... too many esl files though, that may indeed cause a CTD, as the game runs out of form IDs to assign.
  4. Holy smokes. How many mods are you running?? :D
  5. I wasn't aware there WAS a BA2 limit..... How many mods are you running?
  6. Hhhmmm..... Vortex leaves the ini files in their stock locations, so, no idea why buffout can't find it..... I think there is a thread somewhere dedicated to interpreting the logs..... but, I haven't seen it recently. Maybe read thru the comments section of the mod, and see if it can shed any enlightenment.
  7. Workshopframework needs to load AFTER the unofficial patch.... May wanna run loot on your load list.
  8. BUFFOUT 4 COULDN'T LOAD THE PLUGIN LIST FOR THIS CRASH LOG! <- Think you need to fix this first. I am not familiar with BO4.... What mod manager are you using?
  9. What mods are you running? There are several that make nights/interiors darker.
  10. OneDrive tends to usurp a fair few folders in your user profile, and change the file path.... I don't think appdata is included though.... (which is where the file the game uses to see which mods should be loading resides) Just manually moving things around doesn't always work, as the paths for the folders are stored in the registry, which is what various things use to determine where various files should be. One of the reasons I do NOT use onedrive......
  11. Might try deactivating ALL of your mods, and see if just the base game (and any dlc) will run. The games uninstaller really isn't that good. LOTS of leftover files and such. Reinstallation at a later date tends to see some really interesting results. :)
  12. I think you need to give it a day or two for the vendor to 'populate'. I think.....
  13. If the game crashes before you get to the main menu, that is a missing master crash. One of your mods has a requirement that isn't installed. Most mod managers should tell you about missing masters though...... Are you using one?
  14. Use the system I detailed, just change the vid card. You will be all set, with one beast of a machine. :)
  15. You could go for a meaner vid card. 3080, or 3080ti, and still be under your budget, and it would run anything you want, as modded as you want, and you would still have an eminently playable game. :) The hardware is significantly more powerful than even the recommended specs from when the games came out. :) That machine would run even a heavily modded game (textures AND script heavy mods) without even breaking a sweat. Likely last you several years before you even needed to start considering some variety of upgrade. I run Skyrim, and FO4 on an i7 9700, 16gb RAM, and a RTX 3070, both games run AWESOME, though I don't consider my games "heavily" modded, they are most certainly modded. :D That machine is a couple generations newer on the proc, and a meaner vid card. (and the 3080 would be even meaner. :) ) I don't think you can tax that machine, without bumping into the mod load limit of the games. :D
  16. HeyYou


    Doesn't matter where ya go, there will always be that one guy.... (or several....)
  17. That machine will run a 4K monitor or two without trouble. Will you get a solid 60FPS in-game? Depends on the game. :) For beth games, it'll run em GREAT. :D
  18. PCPartPicker Part List CPU: Intel Core i7-12700K 3.6 GHz 12-Core Processor ($377.99 @ Amazon) CPU Cooler: Noctua NH-D15 chromax.black 82.52 CFM CPU Cooler ($109.95 @ Amazon) Motherboard: Asus ROG STRIX Z690-A GAMING WIFI D4 ATX LGA1700 Motherboard ($319.99 @ Amazon) Memory: Corsair Vengeance RGB Pro 32 GB (2 x 16 GB) DDR4-3600 CL18 Memory ($119.99 @ Newegg) Storage: Samsung 970 Evo Plus 1 TB M.2-2280 NVME Solid State Drive ($104.99 @ GameStop) Video Card: EVGA GeForce RTX 3070 Ti 8 GB XC3 ULTRA GAMING Video Card ($699.95 @ Adorama) Case: NZXT H510 ATX Mid Tower Case ($89.99 @ Amazon) Power Supply: EVGA SuperNOVA GA 850 W 80+ Gold Certified Fully Modular ATX Power Supply ($94.99 @ Amazon) Operating System: Microsoft Windows 10 Pro OEM 64-bit ($129.99 @ Newegg) Total: $2047.83 Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available Generated by PCPartPicker 2022-08-03 07:55 EDT-0400 How's this? :)
  19. Game Specific Forums, S, Skyrim SE, (keep in mind, there is also a Skyrim forum....) Files, Creation Kit forum. :) Welcome to Nexus. :)
  20. Has the game worked on that machine previously? Made any hardware changes? Updated any drivers?
  21. Unless you are going to be doing SERIOUS over-clocking (which I don't recommend), water cooling isn't necessary. Stick with good ol' heatsink and fan setups. Easy to see if they are working, and very little maintenance required.
  22. But, isn't that WHY folks play games? A temporary escape from reality? Of course! But many people don't want to go back to reality once they've had a taste of something else. Well, reality does kinda suck...... :D
  23. Actually, you can build a REALLY nice machine for that. i7 proc, RTX 3070ti vid card, 32 gb RAM, (or 64, if you are still within budget. :) ) NVME SSD, 1tb or so. Vid card prices have come down quite a bit since last year..... Where ya at? The shop I work at would happily build you a very nice machine. :)
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