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I do hope that every modder who removes their work from here considers rehosting it elsewhere.

There are good sites out there, and just because Nexus isn't a good home for you anymore doesn't mean there's not a place for you somewhere.

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Today, at 12:46 EDT, Brabbit posted: "Well, you certainly have the right to view it that way. But that is typically how people respond to things being given or shared, and then taken back." The irony is absolutely amazing. FYI, that is why the mod authors are up-in-arms about the change. They had the right to delete their mods and it was taken away.


On another note, if deleting mods will break the database, did the mod authors lose the right to block a user from their mods? Or will the blocked user be able to download an archived copy?

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The devil is in the details. All the unknowns are making it much worse. I kinda feel that if they had rolled out an actual plan and how things would work, while some people still would not have been happy, I am sure some concerns would have been alleviated.

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The devil is in the details. All the unknowns are making it much worse. I kinda feel that if they had rolled out an actual plan and how things would work, while some people still would not have been happy, I am sure some concerns would have been alleviated.


Oh this so much! Like, what about hidden mods now. How can you add them to collections. Will there be a button, or can people still add the mod later on to collections, because they downloaded the mod as it was avaiable FOR them!


I know a good MA who were hiding his mods now, but couldnt delete them. Because...he couldnt just delete the 8 years of his mod being here, and everything with it. UNDERSTANDABLE. But now...will that mod be able to be added? How does one add a mod to the collection?


So when one downloaded that mod with vortex before hiding it, then vortex has that address and it can be added. But sometimes you hide mods because they are as well broken, and you gonna fix it, and then unhide.


This function will as well cause a lot of harrassement towards MAs in a way, like, get thos collection, all mods from the MA that are hidden and deleted can be downloaded over here. And the MA can't do nothing about it.


And I must say, too often MAs as well delete and go away from the modding scene because they get harassed and need a cut from this toxicity. Like...its sad, but the truth.

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The devil is in the details. All the unknowns are making it much worse. I kinda feel that if they had rolled out an actual plan and how things would work, while some people still would not have been happy, I am sure some concerns would have been alleviated.


Oh this so much! Like, what about hidden mods now. How can you add them to collections. Will there be a button, or can people still add the mod later on to collections, because they downloaded the mod as it was avaiable FOR them!


I know a good MA who were hiding his mods now, but couldnt delete them. Because...he couldnt just delete the 8 years of his mod being here, and everything with it. UNDERSTANDABLE. But now...will that mod be able to be added? How does one add a mod to the collection?


So when one downloaded that mod with vortex before hiding it, then vortex has that address and it can be added. But sometimes you hide mods because they are as well broken, and you gonna fix it, and then unhide.


This function will as well cause a lot of harrassement towards MAs in a way, like, get thos collection, all mods from the MA that are hidden and deleted can be downloaded over here. And the MA can't do nothing about it.


And I must say, too often MAs as well delete and go away from the modding scene because they get harassed and need a cut from this toxicity. Like...its sad, but the truth.


My understanding - and I could be wrong but this is how it's been described to me - is that it doesn't matter if a mod is hidden or archived or anything else, if the Collection has the code or whatever it uses for that mod. And specifically, for whichever version of that mod it points to.

In theory as I understand it, if someone was making a Collection and had the identifying data for a given mod, they could add it to the Collection even if the mod itself was at that point hidden or archived.

I'd love for someone on staff who actually knows the answer to address this. As users/authors, until we actually see how Collections work (the fine details, not just the big picture), we really won't know for sure.

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All this questions was made in the first day of the announcement, but no answers, and don´t expect answers.


They just don´t know, the main objective was "no mod delete", is like spotify forbid authors from removing their music from the platform because would break someone playlist, the excuse is absurd... I am 100% sure the chronological order of the ideas was "no mod delete", then "why?" and then "collections", so, all those questions about blocked users etc don´t have answer yet.


What intrigues me is what idea lead to the no mod deletion policy, that is the real reason for all this, what is the future plan, we know that in 1 or 2 years period, mods will get a huge boom with new bethesda game, what they plan when this time arrive i think is the big question.


Deleting your account will not help, hidden your mods can help, but put in the reason where we can find that mod, like trophihunter do, if any author want to help, leave to other place, fortify the competition, author made this place, but the users are the ones that keeps the lights on, so let´s focus on bring the users to another place.

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The devil is in the details.ÃÂ All the unknowns are making it much worse.ÃÂ I kinda feel that if they had rolled out an actual plan and how things would work, while some people still would not have been happy, I am sure some concerns would have been alleviated.


Oh this so much! Like, what about hidden mods now. How can you add them to collections. Will there be a button, or can people still add the mod later on to collections, because they downloaded the mod as it was avaiable FOR them!ÃÂ


I know a good MA who were hiding his mods now, but couldnt delete them. Because...he couldnt just delete the 8 years of his mod being here, and everything with it. UNDERSTANDABLE. But now...will that mod be able to be added? How does one add a mod to the collection?ÃÂ


So when one downloaded that mod with vortex before hiding it, then vortex has that address and it can be added. But sometimes you hide mods because they are as well broken, and you gonna fix it, and then unhide.ÃÂ


This function will as well cause a lot of harrassement towards MAs in a way, like, get thos collection, all mods from the MA that are hidden and deleted can be downloaded over here. And the MA can't do nothing about it.ÃÂ


And I must say, too often MAs as well delete and go away from the modding scene because they get harassed and need a cut from this toxicity. Like...its sad, but the truth.ÃÂ


My understanding - and I could be wrong but this is how it's been described to me - is that it doesn't matter if a mod is hidden or archived or anything else, if the Collection has the code or whatever it uses for that mod. And specifically, for whichever version of that mod it points to.

In theory as I understand it, if someone was making a Collection and had the identifying data for a given mod, they could add it to the Collection even if the mod itself was at that point hidden or archived.

I'd love for someone on staff who actually knows the answer to address this. As users/authors, until we actually see how Collections work (the fine details, not just the big picture), we really won't know for sure.

My assumption is, the mod has to be downloaded by vortexâ¦.then you use an inbuild function of vortex to make the collection. What brings me to another point. I for example always manually download. I never ever use the mod manager button. So if people have a mod list set up by manual download, or switched back and forth, sometimes manual sometimes mod manager renders it impossible to âcollectâ that mod set up anyways.


Or when you had to reinstall a mod and then used manual optionâ¦.what thenâ¦


Another point is as well, mods that have a mod manager and a manual install process. Like the practically essential engine fixes SSE mod. Or SMAPI that needs a manual set up, in either way. That canât be achieved over a collection. Which renders collection for stardew valley impossible as well. Which anyway, SV is a candidate that doesnt work with old files at all. You canât use old files for SV, you always need the newest and updated mods for the newest SV. And nobody keeps their SV out of date, because updates actually always contain new content and actual fixes things.


Sighâ¦.my brain hurtsâ¦.


Edit: PLEASE can someone fix PMs and Forum on mobile before adding collectionsâ¦.PLEASE!

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I am 100% sure the chronological order of the ideas was "no mod delete", then "why?" and then "collections",

There's a post floating around from Robin from more than two year ago. In it he talks about them doing internal testing on a build of NMM that included a Collections function. The post mentions that they concluded that the system would not be able to do everything they want it to do if files can just disappear from the Nexus at any time.


So, no, that was not the chronological order of things.

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Do you not remember paid mods?

Kind of hard not to when I was one of the ones invited in before it went public.


Fairly certain there were quite a few mods removed and not placed anywhere else outside of those who were illegally distributing it.

I remember it was people like you who crap all over mod authors that were doing that too. Piracy doesn't seem to be one of those things you'd be against based on your vigorous defense of Nexus' actions here.


So not sure how me pointing that out means I only think Nexus exists.

Your entire line of argument about how one would be taking away mods from the entire community by removing them from Nexus. That suggests to me you literally think Nexus is the only mod site available.


It's either that or you're a troll with a flamethrower and a lot of gasoline to light people on fire with.




Edit: PLEASE can someone fix PMs and Forum on mobile before adding collectionsâ¦.PLEASE!

That would require them to have a valid license for the forum package. Which is impossible because IPB 3.x was EOL'd in 2017.

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