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Slof's mods withdrawn?


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Well I guess things haven't really changed since the "dark ages" of

me youth. I remember how, once upon a time in the dim and distant past,

we were going to cast out all our "hang ups".


Didn't happen did it....


...and just when I was about to ask her permission to release my bonerised Imp,

Molag Bal, and dangly bits Zombies.


Once more - kudos to Slofy, her horses, dogs, clothes and robes. Oh! and her boners too.

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I am so sorry about her loss but I can totally understand her. I get lots of insults as well for some of my images (I post some here and pretty much all of them on my webby) and it makes me sad that because of the existence of idiots we are loosing a great modder.
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havnt you noticed that most of the high profile modders such as gisdark (think thats right), JQ and now slof have all More or less left the public modding scene for all the same reasons. i belive that people sould have there opinions but some times they should not be spoken if they a overly negative and not constructive e.g you could make it better by doing A ,B and C. not just imature saying its gay or words to that effect. but with all art you find the people who just dont like anything and just moan about everything.


p.s i have to say slof will be sorely missed just like any artist who quits for whatever reason


(admins need to get the ban hammer out on flammers or black list them so other modders dont have to go through all this grief over something that is ment to be fun and enjoyable)

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havnt you noticed that most of the high profile modders such as gisdark (think thats right), JQ and now slof have all More or less left the public modding scene for all the same reasons.


I'm not a high profile modder for Oblivion, but I can relate to a degree. I have had occasion where I did get angry with comments and removed my own mods. Now I'm simply trying to share in a more controlled way by refusing comments on most of my mods here where I don't have access to control the comments directly myself. That's why I've made it so that people have to jump through a few hoops (or share on the sly and get no support) to get to the latest updates for my largest mod. They'd have to be pretty determined if they wanted to go through all that to harass me now because they'd then get the thrill of getting banned from my own forum where I have control.


If people were tracking Slof down and PMing her for the sole purpose of harassment then I can definitely see why she'd take her stuff and go, and I don't blame her in the slightest for not wanting to put up with it.

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/rant on


I'm actually really, really *edit*ing mad about those that chose to send PMs. Honestly, that's like seeing a piece of artwork at a show, then getting the painter/author's address or phone number and leaving a vulgar message. I see every standing on this issue, and the fact that I consider freedom of speech to be a liberty, much like most fellow Americans, I believe that she should express what she wants. And the ones that have the smart idea of spreading libel? They need to have their speaking rights revoked. I could get into the legal criteria of the freedom of speech, but I don't want anyone falling asleep here.


Granted, some of her stuff I didn't care for, but I believed she did a good job on them. I'm not a fan of anything skimpy in a game like this. Form-fitting, sure, but I don't think a few metal rulers stuck in a belt are going to do a person much good in a fight. I look for realism in all games.


I too, Sangel, am disappointed about her Gothic mods disappearing. Why? Well, I'd have to get a picture of some of the things I own and have made. It's what I like, and she was the only good modder in the Gothic realm.


If I were her, I'd upload them to the site, and make registration an admin-accepted process where the person registering gives a brief snippet of who they are and why they should be there. That would make sure that only the people that truly appreciated her work were the ones to receive it.


What makes more sense? Give a Picasso to a child or to an art collector. Seems obvious to me...


And all these comments on a mod being "gay", well, one compound word - bullsh*t. The only way a mod is "gay" is if it's explicitly stated as such. What one sees isn't always what another perceives. Where some people realize the talent in it, but say "No, that's not in my tastes" there's always one that says "OH SH**!! That's *edit*ed up and I need to let the creator know that!!"


You don't force your views on me, I don't force them on you.

If you try it, prepare to get yours torn apart and shredded in every way shape and form.

I'm one of the most laid back people on stuff, but when it comes to something like this, I have ZERO tolerance.


/rant off

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Right now, Slof needs time to herself....let it rest some, no need for rants about it.


Post support for her, but the ranting is not helping her and may just cause more stress and pressure.


Humor will do more good than a rant, she still comes by and lurks...but I am sure she has read this topic as well as the one on the official forums:




so make her smile and give her a belly laugh it will be the best medicine.


Just the words of an old man.


Buddah aka Micky


Slof is a friend has been for many years and I miss her more than her mods.

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I think I'd better clarify things a bit here.


First of all, thanks for the support. It is much appreciated when one is in a dark place in life, and many of the comments make me smile, some make me frown, etc.


The comments that drove me away were actually not in PM's or mails. If only they were - private communications can be easily ignored, but when my work is dissed in public, that is when I take exception. This time it was a comment on Beth's forums after someone had asked about male-specific mods. Indeed, the comment was made by one who has posted here, believe it or not. I will not name names - I'm sure he can figure it out for himself. That the comment came from a supposed fan, one who should know better, is what really hurt. Someone I thought actually appreciated my work, given his tastes. The comment went along the lines of 'if you don't mind 'sexy' male gear, Slof's stuff is good, but some of it is a bit girly.


I mean, was that really necessary? Perhaps if more people simply said 'some might not be to taste' - surely better than specific insults, eh? I cater for all tastes (except female clothes), some of my stuff is animals.


Many of my friends are gay men. One of my all-time best buddies is a bisexual man. It doesn't make me or my mods 'gay'. Indeed, if I was gay, I'd be dribbling over the female mods, playing females and modding for them. I play my game in 3rd-person, and as a hot-blooded and straight woman, I'd much rather look at a man's butt than a woman's. Most of my male characters like males, so I use male companions - Stoker Wolff being my particular favourite as he is romanceable by males as well as females. This gives me more man-candy in my game, and more excuses to dress them up in my stuff. Most of my characters are flamboyant mantarts who care about how they look, however extravagant it might be.


I don't mind people not liking my stuff. No one can make things to appeal to everyone without exception. It is physically impossible. Some here have offered me support even though a lot of my stuff is not their 'thing' and they use few, if any, of my mods. That means a lot - those same people just pass my stuff by without deriding it, and I appreciate that. I don't like cheat mods, but you don't see me rating them down or insulting them and their authors. I just leave them be, knowing that they still fill a niche.


A lot of my mods come about because I want to push myself to new limits, or I have new ideas on how to do something. I probably get more enjoyment out of swearing at Blender and Photoshop as I do actually playing the game with them afterwards! I'm still relatively new to 3d modelling and still make many mistakes. I mod for myself first. Everything I make is something I want in my own game. Sharing it is a secondary pleasure.


I am a naturally generous sort. I share, not for glory or fame, but because I like to share my things. I like to see the screenshots of characters wearing what I make, whether it's full-covering or he's 'almost wearing' it! I never set out to be a 'top modder' or 'high profile' and don't really see myself in that light at all. I am just me doing what I like doing. Art, in whatever form, is my whole life. I come from an artistic family, and since the stroke crippled me a couple of years back, my art is more important to me than ever, as it is one of the few things I didn't lose as a result. I can't move around very well any more, I am retired from running my own business, but modding and art keeps my brain ticking over and thus I stay this side of sane.


So then, what have I done to earn the insults? All I ever wanted was to just be able to enjoy people enjoying what I made. I objectify the things I like the most. Men in many cases. I love them. Same with horses and other animals. How is that any worse than a man objectifying the female? Yet some males seem to hate me for liking their gender.


As for those who tell me to 'get a life' - I have a full and active sex life with a man I think the world of and have been with for 20 or more years. I probably get more of a life than those telling me to get one.


People are strange and I will never understand them. I often feel very much the 'alien' Slof. :)

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