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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. Either that, or just make a shortcut to F4SE_Loader, and put it on your desktop. You can configure Vortex to start the game via F4SE, but, I don't use it, so, not sure how. There is likely several posts about it in the Vortex support forum. :D
  2. Unfortunately, it's Beth policy. It's in the EULA for the CK..... So, technically, it is illegal for an author to accept money to do a specific project. (or, any other form of compensation as well...)
  3. Should post this in the site suggestions/issues forum. :D I know it's fallout specific, but, staff might be a while before they see it here.
  4. Normally, the only time that stuff breaks down, is if you are attacked. Does Sim Settlements also add that? Does it have a configuration menu for it??
  5. Not displaying correctly. I think the menu mod should load before the level up mod, and you have to start the game with F4SE.
  6. The latest iteration of 30 series cards are "Low Hash Rate", so, they suck for mining. A large part of the inflated pricing was due to the shortage of chips, caused by the pandemic shutting down most production. We are still in recovery from that, but, the market IS loosening up. Give it another year, and assuming the pandemic doesn't cause us more shutdowns, prices should return to some semblance of 'normal'. Don't expect them to be priced the same as the 20 series cards were though, prices on EVERYTHING have gone up, and while I expect them to come down some, I do not expect them to return to pre-pandemic levels anytime soon.
  7. In your idiocy, you deliberately assume that a distaste for violence by the terrorists you support automatically means people accept terrorism from those whose beliefs you hate. So let me put this as simply possible for you simpletons. Violence it abhorrent, any violence, all violence. However, comparing the violence committed against property by unarmed demonstrators defending their lives and their right to live to the violence and murders committed by armed men in a grab for power and and an attempt to overthrow the Constitution is ludicrous. But you will keep making that comparison because it tickles your lunacy. Oh Goody! Another leftist liberal that can't debate, so resorts to insults. Yippee! You will have to pardon my rudeness for ignoring anything further you might have to say. (type? Whatever.)
  8. That's a ridiculous assumption. Anytime there is violence, looting, destruction of property, etc... it's no longer considered a protest it's a riot and I never argued otherwise. The moment hundreds of people violently stormed into the capital building it became an insurrection, yet a failed one. You can't deny that what happened on January 6th wasn't some planned assault. This wasn't something that spontaneously/organically happened. Trump all the way to Right-wing media platforms kept brainwashing their viewers into thinking that the election was illegitimate for weeks on end without any evidence. January 6 was a planned protest. Just like BLM does. Yep, some folks were armed. Just like the BLM protests. There was violence. Just like a fair few of the BLM protests, yet, the mainstream media STILL calls them protests, but, what happened Jan 6 is portrayed as something else entirely. Maybe YOU personally don't espouse that narrative, but, it appears that a pretty significant portion of the left does. The only difference that I see, is the Jan 6 protest targeted a somewhat higher profile building. At least they didn't occupy it for several weeks, and bar any other authority from entering, including the police, and fire departments..... My question becomes, was the violence on Jan 6 PLANNED? So far, I haven't really seen any evidence to indicate that anyone INTENDED violence/riot/whathaveyou, just like the BLM protests. And 'reality' is all about perception. Ask any ten people what happened on Jan 6, and get 11 different answers. :D
  9. Wow, you really liked that post, its up three times??? :D So, when BLM 'protests' even when there is violence, looting, destruction of property, etc, its still a 'protest', but, when the other guys do it, its 'insurrection'??
  10. Don't hold your breath. Things are going exactly as I expected them to. The major furor has died down, the deadlines have passed, a selection of authors have pulled their work, and now, life goes on. Nexus has zero motivation to change course. What is REALLY funny though, is Nexus took these steps in support of 'collections', which hasn't been released yet. Just some announcement that 'they are working on it', no clue when it is gonna hit the wild, or even IF it will. At this point, Nexus has destroyed the trust they have built over a decade or more of supporting mod authors, for a project that they aren't even sure when it will come out.
  11. You need Levelup menu ex, and F4SE for that to work.
  12. Are you using two mod managers? That is always a problem. Pick one. Stick with it.
  13. Too many mods. There is a hard cap of 255 esp/esm files. (esl files don't count toward this cap.)
  14. Post your load list. What range are you shooting at? If you are beyond a weapons listed range, I have found that it doesn't do any damage, and the target isn't even aware they are being shot at. Also, where did spiders come from??
  15. Both "tribes" are destroying america. They are just using slightly different tactics to accomplish the same goal. Please keep in mind that Trump getting elected to office was an extremely LOUD protest AGAINST the democrats political platform. Biden getting elected was because the republicans were stupid enough to run Trump again, when it was fairly obvious he wasn't going to win. His behavior over the preceding years spoke loudly that he was NOT in the best interests of the country..... So, we got Biden, and Harris. Now, Biden is pretty much losing his mind, and we are going to get President Harris..... Something that was predicted even before the votes had been counted. In all reality, Trump didn't do that bad of a job of running the country. If they had kept him off Social media, it would have helped. But, his personality just isn't suited for political office. Or pretty much anything else the shows him to the public either. He is in love with himself, and thinks he can do no wrong, and he still seems to think the country supports him..... while back here, in reality, only a small population of republicans want him back in office....... If they run Trump again in '24, he will lose, again. Then maybe he can write a book about "What Happened", and spill his delusions about why he lost onto paper. Remind you of anyone else?
  16. Scrap Everything only kills pre-combines in settlement areas. Nowhere else. (at least, its not supposed to.....) Unless you use the 'ultimate' option, I think.
  17. I run build high, and have it active even when starting a new game, I don't think I have ever had it crash in the early part of the game. But, my game is amazingly stable in any event. I can generally play for hours without a crash.
  18. It will give everyone the chance to buy the upgrade and receive the fabled horse armor. :teehee: I don't think Beth is EVER going to live that one down. :D
  19. I don't think the witcher supports mods on consoles.... at least, not to my knowledge.
  20. There is no such thing as "inalienable rights", or "God-Given Rights". You get the rights your government will allow you, and even those are subject to change without notice. What's truly sad though is, even here, in our so-called "democracy", folks WILLINGLY vote away their rights, when the government tells them "We need this to keep you safe." When we should all be very much aware that the government isn't in the business of 'keeping us safe." Our current leader is slowly slipping away into la-la land. Something that was predicted before the elections. We are going to end up with President Harris...... no matter how much a certain segment of the republican party thinks Trump is going to be put back in office. I would dearly love to have some of whatever it is they are smoking. It's GOTTA be some REALLY GOOD stuff.
  21. Pretty much every game claims to handle occlusion correctly, then they do things like one-sided walls to get around loading textures you would never be able to see. Objects and textures you can't see still get loaded, just in case you turn a corner and might be able to see them. So they make things one sided to reduce texture loading. That doesn't help when there is a huge amount of stuff below the floors. You might never see them, but the textures and meshes are getting cached just in case you might, someday, with a crowbar and shovel, be able to see them. And when those hidden objects are included in precom/vis you just compound the problem. Especially when some of those objects are linked to visible objects for no reason I can figure out. I mean why is anything linked to a hard hat the player will likely ignore? Someone want a mod project? Clean up all the underfloor stuff in the Lair and generate new precom/vis that actually works. I guarantee practically everyone would download it. Hhhmmm.... That could be a fun project. The area is HUGE. :) I would also wonder if cleaning it up, and then posting the cleaned esp would annoy bethesda?
  22. Post your load list as well.
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