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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. May not hurt to test the drive...... Use something like HDDSCan to verify the drive is good. Its free, it's standalone, and can give you a nice picture of your drives health.
  2. Have to make sure you remove all the assets of the mod from the data folder as well. Loose files override those packed in archives.....
  3. If you are still over 255 esm/esp files, need to fix that first.
  4. Downloaded Pack Attack. It seems to help with this issue most of the time. I've even seen ferals actually try and run away a few times. Since Dogmeat is most likely weaker than you (he surely has lower damage output than you), enemies target you instead.Makes sense, but still odd looking at it outside the game. No combat mods installed at the time. I'm using Pack Attack now which helps quite a bit. Don't always believe they are 'running away'..... That one fooled me a couple times. What they were REALLY doing was circling around in a flanking maneuver... Imagine my surprise. :D
  5. Probably one of the mods you are running..... I've never heard of this one before....
  6. Communism was always meant as an ideal, not something actually completely attainable because it is something that has to happen organically. It has to happen from the bottom up, not the top down because the people carrying out the revolt are at the bottom of the economic ladder. It is not the holders of capital and land that are revolting to give it away. Think of Star Trek as communism. Communist regimes seek to create a political and socioeconomic environment that will support communism. Communism is of course on the same political spectrum as fascism. They can be thought of as end points of the measure in the balance of power between public vs private interests. The USA is a fascist state unfortunately, which means anything that is not fascist is viewed as extremism. The general public is largely unaware because the general public in the USA is never formally educated on sociology and political systems. This is expedient in keeping the status quo as you can imagine. Erm, where did you get that from??? Gluteus Maximus OK, now THAT cracked me up. I about choked on my coffee. (that'll teach me, eh?) THANK YOU! :D
  7. Communism was always meant as an ideal, not something actually completely attainable because it is something that has to happen organically. It has to happen from the bottom up, not the top down because the people carrying out the revolt are at the bottom of the economic ladder. It is not the holders of capital and land that are revolting to give it away. Think of Star Trek as communism. Communist regimes seek to create a political and socioeconomic environment that will support communism. Communism is of course on the same political spectrum as fascism. They can be thought of as end points of the measure in the balance of power between public vs private interests. The USA is a fascist state unfortunately, which means anything that is not fascist is viewed as extremism. The general public is largely unaware because the general public in the USA is never formally educated on sociology and political systems. This is expedient in keeping the status quo as you can imagine. Erm, where did you get that from???
  8. Video card prices got stupid due to the pandemic, which cause the chip shortage. Mainly because pretty much ALL production simply stopped for a while. Things have recovered from that, and prices are much closer to 'normal', but, still higher than they were before the pandemic, which really shouldn't come as a surprise, considering EVERYTHING is more expensive than it was pre-pandemic...... That said, the 4 series cards are coming out? :D Not that I am in a hurry to upgrade, my 3070 does me just fine.
  9. Ok, the error is talking about K drive, which I assume is NOT your boot drive? Is that installed IN your computer? Or is it an external drive, plugged into a USB port? (this should really be in the Vortex forums as well....)
  10. Sleep for an hour? Might try this mod, see if you can get an editor ID, and remove the effect that way.
  11. Considering how long they have been around, how many threads/posts/members there are, that really shouldn't come as a surprise. :)
  12. Unfortunately, that feature doesn't go very far back in time....... It would bog down the forums. :) If you have posts in the last two months though, (I think) those *should* show up.
  13. That's not fair to Bethesda. They have repeatedly stepped in and done what they can to help the Script Extenders to work. From working with Steam on the Oblivion release, to altering how Creation Club worked when first released, to giving pre-release access to the SE devs so they can get a head start on the new version. But the key is "what they can"! The calls for them to not release patches for the PC version, or to dictate to Steam how updating will work, or the fantasies about there being a way to release patches without the game version changing are just not rational. The one consistent thing about everyone who complains about these problems is that they can never offer an actual, workable alternative to how it is being done now. That's why you rarely see complaints from the SE devs (other than exasperated sighs when multiple patch releases are needed to fix a stubborn problem) or anyone else who understands how this all actually works. Sure, they have done some things to help us out, but, that's history. When was oblivion released???? And if the devs at beth are giving the SE teams advance access, why is there still a delay of several days (or more) between a new game version, and a new SE version? An easy solution? Dump the forced updates. Let folks know when one is available, and let the CUSTOMER choose when to install it. For folks with modded, stable games, most of those updates aren't even necessary. Not like they are putting out bug fixes.... they are simply adding new content/capability. If you already have your game set up, and it works, the update is unnecessary. Should folks decide they want to add mods that require a newer game version, THEN they can do their various updates. Why is that so hard to understand? because that's a tiny minority of users, why is THAT so hard to understand? Right, because updates only break mods requiring a script extender.... Oh, wait..... it doesn't........
  14. Sounds like SKSE isn't loading. If you had your mod manager install it, it probably screwed it up.....
  15. That's not fair to Bethesda. They have repeatedly stepped in and done what they can to help the Script Extenders to work. From working with Steam on the Oblivion release, to altering how Creation Club worked when first released, to giving pre-release access to the SE devs so they can get a head start on the new version. But the key is "what they can"! The calls for them to not release patches for the PC version, or to dictate to Steam how updating will work, or the fantasies about there being a way to release patches without the game version changing are just not rational. The one consistent thing about everyone who complains about these problems is that they can never offer an actual, workable alternative to how it is being done now. That's why you rarely see complaints from the SE devs (other than exasperated sighs when multiple patch releases are needed to fix a stubborn problem) or anyone else who understands how this all actually works. Sure, they have done some things to help us out, but, that's history. When was oblivion released???? And if the devs at beth are giving the SE teams advance access, why is there still a delay of several days (or more) between a new game version, and a new SE version? An easy solution? Dump the forced updates. Let folks know when one is available, and let the CUSTOMER choose when to install it. For folks with modded, stable games, most of those updates aren't even necessary. Not like they are putting out bug fixes.... they are simply adding new content/capability. If you already have your game set up, and it works, the update is unnecessary. Should folks decide they want to add mods that require a newer game version, THEN they can do their various updates. Why is that so hard to understand?
  16. we are on pc mod site here and the related community and i don't know why i should talk about consoles. the problems have to be solved for pc players and they are severe. any other discussion is just stupid or off topic and i ignore it. why do i have to care for xbox community ? do they care for us ? am i in the wrong forum with a new focus ? is skse just a small footnote or on your ignore list? in best case you never used mo2 or vortex in worst case you don't know what you are talking about at all if you think the nightmare ends after a few days. nobody would complain if we talk about a few days. but even this is a joke as long as you can not stop a forced update and avoid a forced break. While I agree with you for the most part, the trouble we run into is, PC players in general are less than 33% of of Beth's players. The console crowd makes up the vast majority of their customers. The updates that beth keeps kicking out are more for the console players benefit, than the pc players.... As the console players CAN'T use a script extender, these updates have far less impact on them, than it does the PC master race. But, not even every PC player uses a script extender..... Quite likely less than 10%.... (WAG there....) Have a look at how many unique downloads even the most popular extender plugins get..... and it rather nicely illustrates the point. So, beth points their efforts where there is likely to be more revenue.... the console players. The small percentage of pc players that use the script extenders... well, we simply don't matter. We could ALL stop buying beth games, and beth wouldn't even notice....
  17. So, HeyYou. This is your area. When did Bethesda start doing whatever he says (or thinks he's saying) they did? So you go from blaming modders, to blaming Bethesda, which is what your gripe about modders doing is about. You blame modders for faults in mods that you can't get to work, when you post problems that other people know how to solve, and tell you how to solve it. You talk crap to modders on their mod pages, and exhibit what is known on the site as "entitled behavior" against the modders. You start a thread to complain about a mod and lay accusations at the author, which happens to be big no no, here on the Nexus. You complain about modders releasing things that don't work. When your ONLY mod, is EXACTLY THAT. A mod that doesn't work. And then you play the "oh I don't know how to make it work" "I don't want to learn the CK" crybaby line. Oh. And you can idealize yourself as whoever you want to. But expect people to call you out for it. That Brett Keane fellow? He's a joke. Literally everything that I found on youtube about him, was about what an asshat he is. A big fat slob who does nothing but shoot his mouth off and throw fake stories to try to get people to feel sorry for him. So you picked one heck of a winner to try to emulate. Big blue ribbon for you there. Blocking me is fine. IDC. Other people here in the forums will happily quote me, just For You. :D They haven't. He may have chosen to download it from the Beth site (no idea if it's actually hosted there or not, I haven't been to the beth site for ages.....), but, beth has never, and will never, include mods in a download. (at least, the ones that aren't theirs.....) Besides that, beth doesn't distribute games from their site either..... Hmmmmm. Interesting. Thanks so much for the information there brother! :smile: Curiosity got the better of me tho. They actually do have both versions of SS that can be DL'd thru the client. So if this supposed "overwrite" didn't come from Bethesda... hmmmmm. This should be interesting. Popcorn anyone? I have never used the in-game mod manager...... I had zero faith in it. :) After all, it IS bethesda..... And there are MUCH better tools available. (like, manually installing.... which I figgered would be better than beths tool. :D)
  18. I do computer repair fora living, so, yeah.... I get some REALLY odd requests fairly regularly..... I don't think I have tweaked the swap file since Windows XP...... Though, I skipped vista.... and jumped to 7 from xp. I hated windows 8 with a passion, (still do) and never did anything with it. If a customer machine comes in with 8, I recommend upgrading to 10.... MS is still be fairly friendly about upgrades, and you can install the same version (home or pro) using the old license key, so, the customer just pays our labor for the upgrade. And then we have the folks that bring their machines in, and say something like "Well, x person did an 'upgrade' for me, and now it won't work." Like, converting all the harddrives to dynamic disks, which windows can't boot from. :D
  19. What's really funny is, if windows runs out of swap space, it becomes REALLY unstable.... and if your system is marginal for what you are trying to do anyway.... it actually does more harm than good. :D
  20. So, HeyYou. This is your area. When did Bethesda start doing whatever he says (or thinks he's saying) they did? So you go from blaming modders, to blaming Bethesda, which is what your gripe about modders doing is about. You blame modders for faults in mods that you can't get to work, when you post problems that other people know how to solve, and tell you how to solve it. You talk crap to modders on their mod pages, and exhibit what is known on the site as "entitled behavior" against the modders. You start a thread to complain about a mod and lay accusations at the author, which happens to be big no no, here on the Nexus. You complain about modders releasing things that don't work. When your ONLY mod, is EXACTLY THAT. A mod that doesn't work. And then you play the "oh I don't know how to make it work" "I don't want to learn the CK" crybaby line. Oh. And you can idealize yourself as whoever you want to. But expect people to call you out for it. That Brett Keane fellow? He's a joke. Literally everything that I found on youtube about him, was about what an asshat he is. A big fat slob who does nothing but shoot his mouth off and throw fake stories to try to get people to feel sorry for him. So you picked one heck of a winner to try to emulate. Big blue ribbon for you there. Blocking me is fine. IDC. Other people here in the forums will happily quote me, just For You. :D They haven't. He may have chosen to download it from the Beth site (no idea if it's actually hosted there or not, I haven't been to the beth site for ages.....), but, beth has never, and will never, include mods in a download. (at least, the ones that aren't theirs.....) Besides that, beth doesn't distribute games from their site either.....
  21. Unfortunately, he doesn't specify any permissions, nor does he include a readme with the file.... so, the default permissions is, no, you can't.
  22. By default, windows automagically resizes the swap file as needed, generally, not something you need to mess with. As for RAM, there is no such thing as 'too much'. :D
  23. Where are you at? Minimum specs for the game?
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