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Nexus Mod Manager, the Nexus Client, entering closed BETA


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A nice feature would be having the ability to load approved popular mod stacks (admin managed) from the site and auto downloading new mods if subscribed to the mod stack. I can do all the coding on the server side without trouble but the c/c++ app coding would me longer because my kungfu isn't fresh.


Also having the ability to apply approved load orders from the site to your mod stack would be nice, that would solve the problem of everyone asking about load orders.


This can all be done with http calls so there won't be a need for any magical network coding.

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This looks like a very cool tool. I could see it being handy for keeping various mods up to date.


But there are some reservations in the areas of 'Control of Mod Content':


Sounds great but I have one concern. How will the Nexus client handle mods which are later pulled down by their authors? Surely it won't suck them back into the Nexus, deleting them from users' computers. I'd rather not have my game broken just because a mod author got pissed off one day.


To further McMuffin's question:

Not only 'mod withdrawn by author' but , 'Mod removed by ADMIN due to - (varying reasons)'

If an author is Banned - will their mods automatically uninstall from my game? Or will I get to retain them (presuming the files are still on my PC)


What about mods that are pulled due to copyright infringement or other legal issues ---

Will the software, as agent for the Nexus, be obligated to remove the illegal content from my PC?



Will my combination of mods be uploaded to the Nexus? Will the Nexus know about the non-Nexus mods that I have installed?

If so, will the Nexus someday be forced to disclose this information to copyright holders? What about government agencies?

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I believe the Nexus Client will still be able to install a mod that wasn't downloaded from the site, but you just won't get any of the interactive functionality between the site and the Client for that particular file that you would get if you'd downloaded it from the Nexus. So it will install and you can manage it fine, but it won't tell you if the file is out-of-date or show you any file data pulled from the sites, because it doesn't exist on the site. It definitely won't remove any mods from the client if they get removed from the site, or aren't on the site, and it won't track any files you have installed that aren't from the site.


The only reason we track what you download from the site is so we can tell you when it's out-of-date and to remember to endorse it, or, for premium members, remember what you've downloaded so if you lose your data you can get it back easily.

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@retakrew7, I would imagine it would track by the file ID (e.g. page ID). The name of the mod page title "should" be irrelevant other than issues of inconstancy as you would imagine. This also would likely mean that if you have updates to your mod, they would need to be added to the same mod page, rather than creating a new upload page.



I've talked with Dark0ne about this a LONG time ago but one thing I'd like to see implemented with this client are theme packs similar to how StarDock (ThemeManager / IconPackager) allowed members to create theme packs. The primary configuration of the theme pack would be a collection of links to mods on the Nexus. If the theme pack does not include the mods or has some missing, the Nexus client could download them to complete the themepack. That way, we could share / host a very small themepack file that could be imported into the client which would then go out and download any mods not included inside the theme pack. With this, I could include several of my mods inside a themepack (so you don't have to download them separately) but I could also include links to suggested mods or required mods that I may not have permission to bundle, but the Nexus client could see which files were not included in the themepack and download whatever is missing.


This loosely ties in with member favorite listings where we could all have our own "favorite" mods attached to our profiles so we could have our top 10 building mods, top 5 quest mods, etc. If these mods are linked to mods on the Nexus, there is an opportunity for the author's mod page to display some of this information such as (this mod included in 99 favorite lists and 25 themepacks).



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don't want to sound like a perv but i bought fallout 3 for my pc. i also down loaded the Nd patch

but cant fig out how to get it to work. i have fallout 3 and Vegas for my 360. but there no nd patches for them. i have some nice pc nd fan art from the fallout 3. and i just want to play the pc version with the nd patch. any one know how i get the patch to work. new here so i don't no ware to place this comment


As your question relates to Fallout3 - put it in the Fallout3 forums. Best to make a new topic instead of attaching it to something else.


Putting a question like this in a totally unrelated forum is called thread hijacking and would usually get you a strike. But as this is your first foray into the forums, I will let it slide. Try looking around a little and getting acquainted with how things are laid out and how things work before posting. :thumbsup:

Bben46, Moderator

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This sound a great idea.


But I have a doubt:

How this will integrate in the actual system?

I mean (talking about Oblivion): many of us use OBMM and many other use Wrye Bash.

I think I understand that Nexus Client will include all the OBMM features and new ones (Most important: auto-update mods from the Nexus site)

So OBMM is totally replaced by Nexus Client.


But what about Wrye Bash? It's much more complex than OBMM.

Surely both Wrye Bash and Nexus Client have exclusive features, so either them are good choice for a player.

But can we use both? Are they compatible? Or better, can they cooperate (somehow)?


Thanks in advance

Edited by forli
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