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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. Yeah, I generally bumped 'em to 2 points per level to level 10, then, 1.5 per level thereafter. That seemed a reasonable compromise. :D
  2. Thanks anyway, not what I was looking for though. I have a mod that does that already. The one I am looking for was high resolution textures for resources on planets.... I can't find it again either..... :D
  3. I saw this mod while surfing nexus at work one day.... High res textures for the planetary scan, making it easier to pick a good landing spot. Once I got home though, I couldn't find it again... Anyone gotta link?
  4. I never used VATS in FO in any event. :D I DO, however, use targeting mod in ship to ship combat quite frequently.
  5. What I would like to see, is the abiity to 'break down' captured ships for parts. (space chop shop?) Have an 'inventory' of spare parts which the game can track anyway..... so, when you want to change something on your ship, you can look thru your inventory, and see if you already have one.
  6. HeyYou

    why ?

    I see very clearly how horrible they are from Australia, I feel for my sane U.S. friends. Yea and getting worse, look at who's lurking in the future of the U.S., one of the former presidents offspring maybe?. It really makes me question the intelligence/sanity of the american people...... Congress hasn't had an approval rating much above 30% for decades, yet we still keep putting the same folks back in... Our elections have become the choice of the lesser of two evils, I haven't see a candidate that I wanted to vote FOR, in quite some time, I have seen a lot that I want to vote AGAINST..... Individually, we have some pretty bright folks here in the US. Taken collectively though, we got nothin' on a box o' rocks.
  7. There was an SKSE plugin for Skyrim, and Fallout 4 for just such an occasion, and was easily configurable by level. Won't be surprised if something like that for SF shows up in the not real distance future. :D
  8. Fallout VATS (especially Fallout 3 style one as requested) isn't bullet time. True, however, VATS isn't going to be a thing until better modding tools are available, and even then, it will require an amazing amount of work...
  9. Once the modding tools are out, and in hand, someone will likely take this on. :D
  10. I just switch weapons..... kill what's bothering me, switch back to the weapon I want, and reload.
  11. On PC, just poke the "O" key to repair the hull.... systems will repair themselves slowly. Or are you trying to have the ship automatically repair itself?
  12. I meant that there is no benefit of having multiple mods on Nexus with only the same single command and function. But as I said... maybe it's just my inner Sheldon Cooper who has a problem with this "mess". ^^ Multiple mods that do the exact same thing is nothing new here. :D
  13. There is a Bullet time mod..... Toggleable I do believe.
  14. For the steam version, there is an ini edit you need to do, (moves the Photos folder), move anything you have in the my games data folder to the game data folder, then delete the data folder in my games. There is a mod for it, which is basically just instructions, there is also an SFSE plugin that will take care of it.
  15. Can't you????? I double-click on a ship part, which selects the entire ship, set my colors, poke the enter key (to accept) and so far, that has worked perfectly.
  16. Your opinion. Others disagree. I'm one of them. Try using an unmodded malestrom in late game.......
  17. Vortex still hasn't quite figgered out Starfield. Manual installation is still the best at this point.
  18. I would dearly love to be able to build stairs/ramps/walkways/platforms around my stacked resource containers...... currently, I can only stack them 2 high, as if I go three, I can't reach it, therefore, it is unusable.... Being able to build scaffolding around them (that snaps to them??) would make life MUCH easier. :D
  19. Not only night vision, but, I would also like to see someone add the scanner effect to scopes. :D
  20. There is a mod out that lets you change the 'legendary' attributes (effects) of items that are already rare/epic/legendary, however, it does NOT let you make an ordinary item into one of those three. I would love the ability to do so without resorting to console commands, but, I suspect we will have to wait for the CK to come out for that. (or maybe SFEdit??)
  21. Currently, that is about the only option we have to alter our games. They are basically just tweaks to game settings..... Best method for handling them is to simply copy/paste the text from the mod into a 'master' bat file, so you only run ONE at game start, instead of trying to convince the game to run a dozen or more of 'em. Works MUCH better, and much less clutter.
  22. I have been modding beth games since morrowind. Things have actually gotten EASIER (to an extent...) since then. In morrowind, even changing your load order mid-playthru, would cause all sorts of havoc. :D Back then, manual installation was the ONLY option. Wrye came up with Bash installers, but, the mod had to be properly packaged for those to work. Then, we had oblivion, with Oblivion Mod Manager. These were scripted installs, and worked rather well. (but, required more work on the authors part.) Then came NMM, which was essentially just an expansion on OBMM.... which was subsequently replace by Vortex. By that time, mod authors packaged their mods with that in mind, so, Vortex (and other similar programs) worked great. It opened up modding to the casual gamers, that didn't have time/motivation to learn how to mod beth games. It was all handled automagically. Starfield though, shuffled how things worked..... and Vortex hasn't quite caught up yet, that, and the modding tools haven't come out yet either. (SFEdit, CK, etc.) That will come in time though. And then modding for SF will REALLY take off. Of course, there is already methods to change how starfield handles mods, so it is more in line with the older games. (whomever thought putting the Data folder in the My Games folder, should never be allowed to work on games again......) It will be interesting to see how Vortex decides to handle the possibility of folks installing their mods to different locations. :D
  23. It would be nice if just putting a cargo pad, be it intersystem, or intrasystem, at an outpost would simply make those resources available to ANY other outpost that has a cargo link...... without the need for ships to pick and choose what they want to carry.....
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