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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. Did you delete any left over files/registry keys? Aside from that, I have no idea why Vortex would think that.
  2. In all reality, you don't need Mcafee if you are running windows 10, or 11.... Windows Defender, and a good adblocker is more than adequate to the task. Fewer problems that way too.
  3. Uninstall Vortex with Revo Uninstaller Portable. Run Revo as admin, tell it to uninstall vortex, use 'moderate' settings. After the uninstaller runs, Revo will search for leftover files and registry settings. Delete them all. Reboot your computer, reinstall Vortex.
  4. SFSE does not support beta versions of the game.
  5. Hhhhmmm.... Apparently, it *should* be working. Have a look at the log file located in My Documents\My Games\Starfield\SFSE\logs. I think its the SFSE loader text file.... It should mention in there if it loaded properly or not. But yes, F6 should be the function key at the top of your keyboard. It's *possible* that you also have to push the "FN" key in combination with it.
  6. Now there is an interesting coping mechanism that I would never have thought of..... :D
  7. There is only one version. Don't think it matters where you get it. Just make sure it is the correct version for the game version, and it gets installed properly.
  8. Yes, you will have to reinstall F4SE if you use any mods that require it. Add your mods one or two at a time, and test the game after installing.
  9. And yes, as you are doing a "Clean" install, you have to reinstall any mod that you want to use, as it won't be there any more. The two paths you show for appdata folder are exactly the same, in your case, "YourUserName" is "User".
  10. Ah, wing commander. I LOVED that series. I had my thrustmaster joystick/throttle/rudder pedals, and the incredibly hard to use software to program all the buttons. Those games were FUN!!! Right along with the other flight sim games, that actually had stories to them. I miss those style of games. :D
  11. There is only so much you can do without the CK. We should be seeing that in the not too distant future, and we should see at least one decent patch, if not more before that happens. I would expect that more folks will become interested after the CK releases, some folks will want to mod the game, even more than they already are, others will see what new and interesting things the modders are putting out. Should be fun.
  12. Yep. That's one of 'em. The AppData directory is a hidden directory. You won't find it just using file explorer. but, if you type the full path in windows search, it will open it up. Or, just go to View, and set it to show hidden files/directories.
  13. I am 163..... and not done with this universe yet. Still, give it a shot, see what happens.
  14. Three folders you wanna nuke. The one in My Games, (back up your saves, if you want to keep them) the install folder, which you appear to have already gotten, and the one in C:\Users\YourUserName\Appdata\Fallout4.... (nuke the folder, or just the contents, I don't think it matters.) Restart, then reinstall the game. Fire it off at least one, to make sure the game will start and run. (and properly detects your hardware.)
  15. No, it won't. That's one of the reasons the CK isn't out yet. Now, lets see if beth actually FIXES a bunch of their goofs.
  16. I had a wireless mouse/keyboard at one point, but, the mouse had a healthy appetite for batteries.... keyboard lasted longer, but, it would tend to crap out when I was actually playing a game.... about the fourth it happened, and got me killed.... I went back to corded mouse/keyboard. For me, the left mouse button fails first. It either stops working altogether, or, gives me a double-click when I click once.... that gets annoying fast. :D
  17. This is one of those things that in-house play testing likely would never find...... the devs probably figgered that no one would ever need more than 4 MILLION..... Then the game gets released into the wild, and the hoarders start playing.
  18. And I think you just nailed the largest part of the problem. Beth really doesn't have any real competition in this segment..... Hence, they can get away with things, that other companies can't. (as they actually HAVE real competitors....) But, I don't see any indie game studio being able to come up with something similar... at least, not without writing their own game engine, and creating their own development tools... And that is a HUGE investment, that you can't afford, UNLESS you have some major corporation backing you. And that would defeat the entire purpose of having an indie studio doing it. (not chained to ESG scores, and being politically correct.)
  19. The trouble is, for ever one gamer that takes a stand, there are a thousand that don't, and even the crappiest of games sell "well". So, basically, we're screwed.
  20. Search function? What is this mythical beast you speak of?
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