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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. DRM is pretty much useless, and a waste of money. Why game companies continue to pretend otherwise is beyond me. Look at Spore, lo these many years ago. The publisher was touting it's 'unbreakable' DRM, right up until the game hit the pirate sites, 3 weeks BEFORE it's official release date. Of course, the same goes for pretty much any title..... it hits the pirate sites within days of release. (if not mere hours.....) The game companies think DRM prevents piracy, but that simply isn't the case. That said, steam isn't DRM. It's a distribution platform, and that's it. It doesn't prevent, or even slow down, piracy, in any way, shape, form, or manner. However, publishers don't have to spend money making 5 million disks, and packaging thereof. Potentially MILLIONS of dollars..... Hence, digital distribution is 'the wave of the future'...... Which really kinda makes sense, as the bulk of the population that buys games, already has a fairly fat pipe to the internet. I would put forward that DRM actually CAUSES piracy. Look at the fiasco of fallout 3, and Games for Windows Live...... The DRM stopped people from playing a game they had legally purchased..... Also note, GFWL went the way of the Dodo...... Not really a surprise. :D Considering how badly it sucked. :D
  2. They can always NOT let us mod the game and they would be in their legal right to do so IF they wanted. Please they are asking for feedback and solutions, if you are not bringing anything to the table you should refrain, they asked for feedback to better permission systems for modders and porting mods for the games, not rants and complaints about a company. :dry: Not to mention Beth isn't doing anything to prevent folks from making mods....... :D
  3. For the scene where you are going to into the vault...... The way it works is, if you are close enough to actually SEE the bomb go off, you are too close, and quite likely dead.... (radiation exposure) That said, WE don't have RadAway..... so, there is that.....
  4. Reinstall the game, something didn't go quite right.... Either that, or verify game cache via steam.... (if you have the steam version?)
  5. I am just not a fan of Bing..... (translates to 'disease' in chinese......) But then, I am not really a fan of Microsoft in general. :D But, I still run windows.....
  6. It would be the exact same thing as the ant colony observer, watch them as they do their thing, cheer them on when they start fighting. It would need to be a species on a totally different wavelength than apes with language that has an enlightened purpose, human purpose has been reduced to 'get money, buy nice things' which is now impossible anyway with the ridiculous cost of even the simplest things on this s*** hole, there is no mass co-operation for the betterment of humanity as a whole, just the betterment of the already over privileged singulars like... (won't name, too many) and this will never change. Conclusion, 2 chances of being 'saved' by an enlightened species, buckleys and none. Well, not necessarily 'enlightened'...... For instance, maybe a superior species looking for another food source. (Us....) or slaves for their mines, or whathaveyou. We ARE trainable after all..... :)
  7. Older mods may or may not have permissions set, and the authors are no longer around, so, the default answer to porting them is "No." For those that do have fairly open permissions, it's a non-issue..... for those that you need to get specific permission to port their mod, just putting a sticky post in the mod comments I would expect would be adequate to the task. (and not much of an ordeal for the author either.) Having comments turned off really isn't a barrier, as an author can enable them, post the permission, then disable them again, and the comment still stays visible. I closed comments on a mod I am caretaker for, but, the thread is still there, as are all the comments. Wouldn't that work??
  8. Unless, of course, you are looking for the one you just installed, that isn't active yet. :D
  9. Are you concerned that Beth will close that loophole? If so, I wouldn't worry. There have been script extenders since beth started using the Gamebryo/Creation engine. (Morrowind, back in 01) There will likely be one for Starfield as well.
  10. My question would be: Why would they WANT to visit us? Or 'save" us? Not like they would need anything we have, that they couldn't get elsewhere, probably easier. We would be an interesting study in primitive civilizations, and that's about it.... And even if they did find us interesting enough to watch, that's ALL they would really do. Sit back and watch as we kill ourselves off.
  11. Alta Vista is now owned by Yahoo.... and that is who generates their search results. Wiki has never really been reliable, or factual..... does make for some interesting reading though. :) (entertainment value only please) What I find amusing about google is, three people using the EXACT SAME search terms, will bring up entirely different results. :D
  12. Well, Beth hasn't really been the best at story writing for some time.... Morrowind was good, oblivion, not so much.... Skyrim? Implementation there was lackluster as well. So, not really a surprise that FO4 didn't have the best storyline either..... Not that I really do much with the story line. :) I go Raider Hunting, or Gunner Hunting. I like large crowds. Keeps combat interesting. :D As for the scene where they took him, you ARE active there..... you can pound on the glass. :) But, you are trapped in your cryopod.
  13. Anyone remember Alta Vista?? :D My dad was an english professor at a local college here for a lotta years. What depressed him the most, was seeing the quality of his students degrade dramatically over time. He would regularly get kids in his freshman english class, that COULDN'T READ...... The math profs had much the same complaint, their incoming freshman could barely manage basic math.... let alone algebra, or trig, forget calculus..... The 'basic life skills' classes went away too. How to do basic cooking, create, and stick to a household budget, etc. We used to be in the top ten countries for education, now, I think we are like 35th, or so...... It's more important to teach 'inclusivity', or CRT, than it is reading, writing, and math and science. It's depressing just typing about it. :D
  14. We've heavily customised the version of IPBoard we use, so it's not trivial (or even possible) to just update it, sadly. The main website and this forum are so heavily entwinned that it's been one of the focuses of the dev team for many years now to decouple the two. You'll have seen this with the new login and memberships systems most prominently. Once we've surgically removed all the custom code then the forum can go back to being "just a forum" which would make it more likely to be upgradable (or at that point we might even be able to replace it entirely with something new, if we can keep the conversations). We're still a few years off from that though. Just don't go to something awful, like Jive.... or anything that looks 'similar'. Beth basically killed their forums with that crappy software.
  15. Is this version just out of date? We use IP Boards over at dodge forum as well, and when someone does the @heyyou thing, I get a notification that I was tagged in a post.
  16. Well of course. :smile: The more lights and flashy things, the better the computer! :D (I have all that stuff turned off on my machine, the flashy lights distract me, however, they also draw in my cats..... not a good combination. :D) If you can find one, an Nvidia 3080 would likely allow you to run whatever you like. :D I am running a 3070 8gb, and run fallout 4 at "Ultra", at 3440x1440, I turn off God Rays though, as I am just not into them..... everything else is maxxed out. :D I love it. I also run UGrids at 7, which improves draw distance, but, gotta do some tweaks on your weapons to be able to hit anything at extreme range.
  17. Because sometimes you want to disable some mods in a profile, or enable others. If ALL mods across all profiles are listed in the mods and plugins tab of them all it becomes very confusing. Some collections also require certain versions of some mods, and if you have several different versions of mods all shown at the same time that becomes very confusing. If there were duplicate mods in other profiles, I'm sure there could be a system in place that allows those to be used instead. Like if you try and install a mod but it exists in another profile it would ask "This mod and version already exists in x profile, would you like to use it from there?". Or you could enable certain mods to be shown across profiles and put in the "main" vortex mods folder. Having them ALL shown at all times is very messy. I actually like this idea..... That said, disk space has gotten dirt cheap. Even solid state drives are getting cheap.... So, the whole 'duplication' thing could be an issue for large files, like textures, etc, but, for the most part, not really a problem.
  18. OK, real curious what you are on about here. The US and China have NEVER been at war. In fact, during WWII, we fought on the same side. Sure, there was Korea, and Vietnam, but, no one ever officially declared we were at war. Neither China, nor the US..... As for the rest of your post, I have no clue what you are talking about.
  19. I have seen some truly odd interaction between AMD procs, and their video cards..... on one machine, windows would run for exactly five minutes, then BOOM, machine powered off. Any other video card, the machine ran fine. Put the vid card in some other machine, and it ran fine. The errors in event viewer were not exactly helpful. :D The 13th gen intel procs are out??? Wow. I am still quite happy with my i7 9700KF. :D
  20. Well, ya gotta keep in mind that in Fallout 3, you went looking for your Dad..... so, go looking for your son? Not that much of a stretch.
  21. For Beth games, the vid card has become more important, but, the CPU is still nothing to skimp on. It's more about clock speed, than number of cores though. Not like many games can take advantage of more than two cores at this point anyway. :D
  22. Are you also checking adult content? That is turned off by default.......
  23. System RAM as well. UGrids determines how much of the world is loaded, and active. Stock is 5. Increasing it, exponentially increase the amount of cells being loaded, with the player at the center. I *think* having it set at 5, loads a grid that is 5x5, and so on. Each additional 'layer' beyond 5 gets larger and larger. I run at Ugrids 7in FO4, going to 9 I start getting screen tearing and such. Skyrim LE, on the other hand, runs great at 9..... and that was on older hardware than I am running now.... I haven't tried increasing it since the forced rebuild. (my machine died... so, upgrades were in order. :) )
  24. Do you have multiple masters enabled? You should really post this in the FO4 CK forum. Game Specific Forums, F, Fallout 4, :)
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